Promised Bin laden tape finally arrives.

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
There was some buzz a few days ago when a few web sites reported a new Bin laden tape was on its way. Now the 56 minute tape has arrived and the subject is Iraq and Israel. Given the
convoluted routes such tape must take to protect tracking down Bin Laden, as expected, no mention was made of the Bhutto assassination.

While I don't think its proves or disproves that Bin Laden is still alive, my main comment is that if this represents Al-Quida thinking, Al-Quida's days as a player in Iraq will rapidly reduce and that they have lost touch with the very groups they need to be effective in Iraq or in the larger
mid-east. As it is, I think our own NIE has put the Al-Quida part of the total Iraqi insurgencies at no more than 15%, and its difficult for me to see how these tapes will bring back the Sunnis
who are already rejecting Al-Quida.

Its sounds more like a shameless appeal to Sunnis to die for Al-Quida or ELSE that will go over like a lead balloon. And if that is the threats, its more likely to result in Sunnis eliminating Al-Quida operatives when ever they show their faces.

As for Al-Quida being a serious threat to Israel, its more of an empty boast than any plan when they have sided with Fatah and Israel anyway.

More and more Al-Quida is sounding like a few nuts in a cave making betamax tapes. All hat and no cattle with no horses or rope to catch cattle.

And against that threat we waste a trillion dollars and all those lives jumping into every quagmire we can find?


Jul 1, 2004
AQ has a long history of failure. Nothing new here.

And, btw, did you steal my "betamax tapes" line? :D

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
Originally posted by: bamacre
AQ has a long history of failure. Nothing new here.

And, btw, did you steal my "betamax tapes" line? :D

As a matter of fact yes bamacre. I would have credited to you if I remembered who said it. But since both of us agree, lets make it unanimous. We have made Bin Laden into more of a threat than he is. And we not he drive his recruitment. And only by recruitment can Al-Quida expand as a threat. Another point I believe you made.


Jul 1, 2004
While I will accept credit for the "betamax tapes" line, I will not take credit for the message of a humble foreign policy, but I will spread it and support it. :D

But yes, I think you can easily fight this "war on terror" doing two things. First, we must remove all merit that lies in the reasons they attack us. That means we bring all of our troops home, which also makes us stronger within our own borders, and saves us money as well. In addition, we must stop meddling in other country's affairs, we are not, can not, and should not, try to be the world's policeman.

That will greatly weaken AQ and their recruitment which they so desperately depend upon.

It would also give us more international respect and support for what for the second part of the plan. There would definitely be a very small amount of AQ that would continue their efforts with reasons which would then lack merit. Dealing with these fanatics militarily would obviously be needed, and as well, better justified.

Compared to the foreign policy we have now, this is much more effective, cheaper, more righteous, and makes us safer.


Jul 1, 2004
Originally posted by: DarkThinker
Well according to Bhutto, Bin Laden is ...sort of dead??

That is something we cannot confirm of course. Nevertheless, Al-Zawahiri is still alive, and IMO, too often forgotten. I don't think many people even know who he is.


Platinum Member
Mar 17, 2007
Originally posted by: bamacre
Originally posted by: DarkThinker
Well according to Bhutto, Bin Laden is ...sort of dead??

That is something we cannot confirm of course. Nevertheless, Al-Zawahiri is still alive, and IMO, too often forgotten. I don't think many people even know who he is.

I don't think it matters, Bin Laden is gone Zawahiri takes place, he is gone then someone else. It's a whack a mole, just like AQ in Iraq, it's the whole system we should be fighting, who gives a crap about the individuals, they are useless on their own.


Sep 25, 2001
it's been how many years since we've last seen Bin Laden?

why cant the experts (ie: CIA) confirm or deny that the voice on that tape is bin laden?

and Bin Laden is dead, imho.

why else use audio tapes, instead of video tape, like he had b4?


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2005
Originally posted by: JEDI
it's been how many years since we've last seen Bin Laden?

why cant the experts (ie: CIA) confirm or deny that the voice on that tape is bin laden?

and Bin Laden is dead, imho.

why else use audio tapes, instead of video tape, like he had b4?

Because audio is easier to manipulate than video?