Promise driver not working on 64bit windows install.


Senior member
Mar 24, 2004
Hello everyone, I am trying to install my copy of 64bit windows (not the beta version)
I got the Promise driver for 64bit OS's from the official asus site (its a a8v deluxe) and put it on a is what happend.

Started the windows install, pressed F6 to add the drivers, selected the drivers on my floppy and then hit enter, it then continued to take me to the Press Enter to start the Windows installation..when I press enter it says it cannot see my hard drive.

Any ideas?


Golden Member
Nov 1, 2000
Did you extract the driver files onto the floppy? You can't just put the ZIP file you download on it.

You sure you have the right driver for the right mobo?

As a seperate issue, are you SURE you want to install XP64? Unless you're just doing this to experiment, I would recommend standard 32bit XP - and maybe dual boot 64bit. XP64 is not really ready for prime-time. There's LOTS of driver issues, and there's practically no performance to be had if you're a gamer or using standard desktop apps (actually there's been a lot of benchmarks posted that show you'll take a slight performance HIT in games).

XP64 is going to be the OS we'll all be running NEXT YEAR. I persoanlly won't be installing it until at least the first service pack is out.