I'm pretty sure it is stable. I've run IBT, prime, I have gamed while encoding x264 while FAH and never had an issue until this wu. It won't even get passed 1 of 500,000 steps before crashing and it's only the FahCore_a3.exe that's crashing. Not the whole system.
I'm currently torrenting, FAH GPU3 on a gtx 580, running handbrake (x264), and gaming and I have no issues with anything else at all. How can I skip this work unit. Someone else is having an infinite loop crash on the same wu if you clicked the link I found on google just some few days ago.
Edit: If you read that thread I linked, there's actually two different people complaining about the wu. The OP on April 4th, then a mod posts on April 5, then someone else complains of this same WU on the 7th of April. In all 3 cases, the thing that is similar is that we all crash on this wu over and over again.
The first guy gets:
Client-core communications error: ERROR 0x8b
The second guy gets this over and over:
[05:53:53] Completed 0 out of 500000 steps (0%)
[05:53:56] CoreStatus = FF (255)
[05:53:56] Sending work to server
[05:53:56] Project: 6097 (Run 0, Clone 36, Gen 192)
[05:53:56] - Error: Could not get length of results file work/wuresults_01.dat
[05:53:56] - Error: Could not read unit 01 file. Removing from queue.
and I get this over and over:
[18:20:41] Completed 0 out of 500000 steps (0%)
[18:25:05] CoreStatus = C0000005 (-1073741819)
[18:25:05] Client-core communications error: ERROR 0xc0000005 [18:25:05] Deleting current work unit & continuing...
[18:25:43] - Preparing to get new work unit...
Edit Again:
I was able to get a different work unit by
1) deleting everything in "C:\Program Files (x86)\FAH CPU" except client.cfg and FAH6.34-win32-SMP.exe
2) creating a shortcut with the -config flag and running it
3) forcing -smp 2, turning off -bigadv
4) then running the original .exe
Currently crunching a Project 8024 run 204, clone 21, gen 6. I've already interrupted this wu and changed my settings back to what they were, hopefully when this wu finishes I'll be back on my way with -bigadv. Will Update in a few, won't take long to crunch out this 8024.