Go to kdcomputers.com under specials section. The printer is for sale for $39.00 then go to Lexmark site and get the promotional rebate for this model for $40.00 and make a dollar.
I think you need to change the thread title. Everyone has to pay shipping, so you're paying more than the rebate amount...net cost $8.01 for my Zip Code. Not a bad deal though.
Order Subtotal: $39.00
Shipping: $8.81
Wisconsin deliveries subject to $1.99 sales tax.
Shipping weight: 11.00
Insurance: $0.20 Grand Total: $48.01
Hey, just called KD and they say that they have tried to claim rebates on these and they were unsuccessful. Looking at the rebate certificate, it looks like this is only for retail packages that were not acquired in bulk as the KD units were. If you find out different, post it here.
Maybe this is just checking the same newspaper twice, but I also called KD just a moment ago, and they told me flat out: there's NO rebate on these printers.
They have every incentive to tell me there is one if it's in any sense true, so I'd imagine they're right. Too bad, too. I'm glad they're honest, though -- that's nothing to sneeze at nowadays.
The rebate isn't offered by KD and maybe they can't. I checked the Lexmark website for specific exclusions. They state they will honor a rebate from college stores. The way I understand it, is that if it's not excluded then it's included. I may be wrong, and in for a fight, but I'm willing to give it a shot.
Even if there isn't a rebate it might still be a super deal for current lexmark printer owners. I get the impression from the lexmark page that the printer comes with both the black 12A1970 and the color 12A1980 cartridges. Those are worth $60 retail alone. Spend $39 to get the printer, take the cartridges out and sell or throw out the printer.
Something is just plain wrong in the printer industry when you can buy a printer with cartridges for less than the replacement cartridges cost.
<< Even if there isn't a rebate it might still be a super deal for current lexmark printer owners. I get the impression from the lexmark page that the printer comes with both the black 12A1970 and the color 12A1980 cartridges. Those are worth $60 retail alone. Spend $39 to get the printer, take the cartridges out and sell or throw out the printer. >>
The cartridges that come in printers (and faxes, copiers, etc...) are "STARTER" cartridges. They only contain (roughly) half the ink of a replacement cartridge. In reality the ink would be "worth" $30.
As for the price gouging, well...that is how it works. The ink costs less than one cent per cartridge (do the math from bulk ink shippers like www.oddparts.com/ink and you will see). I am sure the plastic and circuitry is probably less than $1 when being manufactured by the millions, so that $30 cartridge has a good $20 profit for the manufacturer. Ouch !!
Good luck with the rebate if anyone tried to attain it,
<< The cartridges that come in printers (and faxes, copiers, etc...) are "STARTER" cartridges. They only contain (roughly) half the ink of a replacement cartridge. In reality the ink would be "worth" $30. >>
Has this been true for quite a while?
I bought a Lexmark 5700 a long time ago and the original cartridges seemed to last as long as the retail replacement ones that I purchased later.
Finally someone who understands my humor.. I took a shot and I'm hoping to get the rebate.. If everything goes according to plan I made a dollar....lol
I bought a Lexmark Z11 from another site, but it did not come with two cartrige. It only came with a color one.
And furthermore, it did not come with cable, which you have to have to connect the printer to the computer. That would also cost you some bucks to buy,
I assume that would be the same with this printer at this site.
That's right. Since the Z11 is a single cartridge printer, it only comes with the color cartridge. And I don't think any printer manufacturer includes a printer cable anymore.
I dont care if they paid me $10 to get a Lexmark printer but I would never do it!! They are by far the worst printers in the world. What's worse is the expensive ink refill which make you wonder, is it really worth it to pay $40 for ink?
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