problems with playing cd's


Jan 21, 2005
when i put a cd in my computer dosent repspond dosent matter what cd i put in it just freezes up iv tryed puting in a different cdrom in and same thing happens.. anyone with this kind of problem?? and how did u trouble shoot it


Diamond Member
Dec 17, 2004
go into device manager, rt click the cd, properties, update drivers, see if you can use default microsoft drivers


Junior Member
Jan 24, 2005
If installing the old drivers doesn't work, take this into consideration:

Is it the only CD-type device in your system (e.g., do you have a DVD drive, too?). If so, you need to check the jumper settings on the back of both devices. If both are set to "MASTER" you may get conflicts and one may not work. You'll need to set one to SLAVE. There's usually a diagram on the drive of how the jumpers need to be set to get each mode. If it's the only drive, check out your BIOS settings to see if the drive is even recognized by the system (press Delete when booting up). One of the windows in the BIOS setup utility should show you a list of recognized devices. If it doesn't show up, the drive could be bad or the cable/connector on the motherboard could be bad.

As much as this sucks, your best bet may be to re-install the O/S on the machine...

Good luck!


Jan 21, 2005
the jumpers are all fine and it is a dvd rom cd/rw the wired thing is that i have another cd rom 52x cd and i added it and they bouth seem to work with bouth of them on.. its so wired.. when i take it out it dosent work again.. well i guesse ill have to live with 2 cdroms! thx for ur help.

Somthing i can't figure out is that i cant change anything in the bios.. like ram timming and multie player for my mb/chip.. i just resently replaced them msi neo2 platinum and athlon 64 3500 winchester core, my system will start up and then blue screen and restart! like i have no idea why it would do this.. i flashed the bios to the most resent update.. and nothing is different, can't change the HTT 1 incriment.. or it will blue screen! anyone ever have this problem? im running a gig of DDR333 pc2100 im not sure on the manufacturer i have the ram in slots 1 and 2 a green and purple one.. i was reading in the manual u have to put them in the green slots and i tryed that and my computer dosen't start up at all.. just wondering if this could be the problem?