problems with new build


Junior Member
Sep 17, 2005
Hi all,
This was my first build and I used mechBgon's guide. I did a bench test outside the case with the cpu, 1 stick of ram, and motherboard. It POSTed fine so I continued to install everything inside the case. When I was done I turn the power supply on and press the power up button but nothing happens.

Here are the specs of my pc
EPoX EP-9NPA Ultra
AMD 3800+ X2
nvidia 7800 GTX
2x1 gig OCZ Performance PC 3200
seagate 7200.8 250gb sata
benq 1640
Antec NeoHeE 430watts (Came with the antec p150)
Scythe Ninja heatsink w/ artic silver

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

thanks in advance


Junior Member
Sep 22, 2004
course #1, double check all the connections and cards, and make sure if there is a switch on the back of the supply it is turned on.

Second I would check to make sure the case switches are all hooked up in the right spot and on correctly.

If that doesn't fix the problem you can pull of the wires for the power button and gently bridge them with a screw driver for a second to see if the machine will turn on.

After that I'd pull it out from the case, it may be a short, and try your bench test again.


Junior Member
Sep 17, 2005
I just did everything sugessted, but the bench outside the case did not work.

Just noticed that the power supply is not even turning on...


Senior member
Oct 10, 2005
First, if there is one, make sure the switch on the PS is turned on (sounds dumb but I think most of us have done this once or twice).

f your good there, start at the PS and work your way up.
Test the PS by jumpering pins #14 & #15, so if you'll bear with my piss poor ASCII...

11 ^ 20
1 10

The ^ is the little clasp thing. Use a short piece of wire to short the pins that are marked with X. Be careful though! Short the wrong pins and it could be really bad.

But assuming your power supply starts, then turn it off (unplug it and plug it back in) and connect it to your mobo.
Then turn the motherboard on by manually shorting the power switch pins. Just find the two pins, probably labeled "PW ON" and short them. A screwdriver works great.
If your power supply kicks on again then so far so good.

Try the above. If both work then you can (pretty much) rule out a bad PSU and motherboard.


Junior Member
Sep 17, 2005
Thanks for the advice AcidBath, I used a wire try and short those two pins but nothing happened, ps did not turn on. So Im guessing there is something wrong with my ps and not my motherboard.


Senior member
Oct 10, 2005
Yeah, if jumpering pins 14 & 15 don't kick the PSU on then there is something wrong with it :(