Problems with Flashing my MB


Junior Member
Feb 12, 2002
I have been trying to Flash my Asus a7v133-C BIOS because of some gfxproblems i´v had latly. It dident go very well though .. aflash.exe gave me this messege:

The BIOS Model doesent match with the one currentlu used"

I tryed a couple of versions of the BIOS but got the same message still.

Then I realised that my current BIOS was for a7v133 according to the info from aflash and I was off course trying to update with the a7v133-C version. This must be the reasond that I got that message, right ?

I got a little uncertain about what board I realy had so i grabbed my trusty ol flashligt and went exploring in my case. Anyways, it was a a7v133-C just as I thought.

The question is: Should I go ahead and flash that sucker since it should be the right version? I dont realy feel like killing my MB today so I thought I should hear what u guys had to say about it ...

Btw , I´v tryed AsusUpdate to but the installationprogram dident recognize my MB as a AsusMB, something about a .DLL missing ..