Problems with A7N8X Soundstorm


Platinum Member
Jan 28, 2004
Ok I've been searching for this for awhile now so I guess I'll ask here to see if anyone's had this happen to them.

I hooked up my shiny new Klipsch Ultra 5.1's from RMA yesterday. Got everything plugged in. Only to find out that Soundstorm isn't playing anything through my rear speakers. Odd thing is after I run the Speaker Setup Wizard, I run the test and all channels play correctly. The voices match for every speaker just as they should. But as soon as I fire up a movie or winamp or anything my rear surrounds just go silent. The Main tab in the Soundstorm shows them as using no signal, and even shows the Subwoofer as getting no signal even though it's obviously playing. I have absolutely no idea what to do. I've tried all the quick things. I know all the plugs are in because the test plays all the speakers correctly.

The setup is set through the Speaker Setup Wizard to use the Line-in and Mic Jacks for Surround and Sub channels because it wouldn't work using the other plugs as detailed in the board manual.

If anyone has a clue what might be going on here I'd appreciate the help.




Diamond Member
Oct 25, 1999
Winamp doesn't play my surround speakers on my Altec 4100 setup unless I have them set to Stereo mode, and even then it doesn't play all of the channels on some songs. I've only had this for winamp though, WMP works fine.

I've got a a7n8x deluxe.

Edit - sorry I dunno what the problem is, but I'd also like to know.


Platinum Member
Jan 28, 2004
Just got it fixed. I guess there was something messed up with the software...i reinstalled and now everything's working ok. *sigh*