Problems w/ 1700+ system. Corrupted bios?? Broken Mobo???


Platinum Member
Feb 22, 2003
Hello everyone,

the system in question is a:

Abit NF7s
1700+ that has run @ 2.1ghz w/ 1.625V @ <40C full load for 6 months or so
1x512MB pc3200 Corsair XMS
ANtec True 380

those are the relevant parts...
now to my problem

-The system posts as running a memory frequency of 400 (10.5 x 200) yet it shows up @ 1100 mhz.
-Upon entering BIOS at the top it shows that it is running @ (11x100) yet the mobo settings are set to
"user Define" and those show up @ 10.5 x 200.
-I click "save settings and restart" and the a message appears saying " do not power off system while saving to bios"
-Black screen and then post or restart.
-Upon restart memory frequency during post shows to be running @ 400 but the cpu comes up as a 1100 athlon and this is substantiated in windows
-once again enter bios and settings are set to 10.5x 200....setting everything Cpu related (including Vcore) back to "default" (11x133) does nothing.
-The system does not has a few times but still comes up as a 1100mhz cpu

-I cleared my bios..nothing, same thing happens.

So is my cpu shot, my mobo, or should i just try flashing my bios & hoping for the best?

This system has been stable for 6 months. Stable as in it runs 100% cpu usage 24/7 (i run distributed computing)

Thank you everyone!


Platinum Member
Feb 22, 2003
i have a spare 400W PS but it is of very low quality (came w/ a codegen case). I could toss that in there and see if it works...

and no, it does not RUN @ default speeds. It defaults to 11x100 :(

any ideas?