Problem with SATA drive conflicting with PATA


Golden Member
Feb 17, 2005
I have two hard drives. An old parallel drive, and a new SATA drive. I also have a dvd burner that is also parallel.

The problem is that twice the SATA drive has stopped booting, the first time setting the DVD driver to slave worked (I had not started using the old parallel drive yet) The second time I was not sure what happened, but because this was the second time this had happened, and each time I had partioned my drive to try to get it back, I replaced the SATA with the old parallel.

Now my old parallel drive is reporting bad block errors, and coming up with corruption for a few files, so I see myself needing to go back to the SATA. Is there something special I should do to mix SATA and the parallel DVD to keep them from conflicting?