It is definitely a FSB problem. The motherboard iteself determines that the FSB is 100 mhz. As a result along w/ the multiplier of 7.5 (7.5x133 = 1000) and with a FSB of only 100 mhz, I get a cpu speed of 750.
The unfortunate thing is that there is no jumper nor is there a bios option that can used to change the fsb to 133 mhz. What's worse is that after looking at the motherboard, I found out that its rev 1.0 which then leads me to think that with this being the first commercial available implementation of the motherboard, that it must have a buttload of problems especially when it comes to support the later 266 mhz standard for AMD Athlon CPUs.
However, I want to look on the bright side and still continue to think that it is a problem of my own ignorance rather than a actually problem w/ the motherboard.
Has anyone been successful in installing a 266 mhz version of any AMD Athlon cpu and have it recognize as a 266 mhz cpu ?
Also, the memory is a Crucial PC133 (MT chips) 256 MB stick, so I seriously doubt it has something to do w/ the memory.