Problem with PC Chips M805LR w/ 1 ghz Athlon CPU picking up as a 750 mhz CPU


Golden Member
Apr 4, 2000
I updated the BIOS to the latest provided by PC Chips dated back to 12/12/2001. And it still didn't pickup as a 1 ghz cpu. What could be the problem? And how can I fix it?

Please let me know.

Thanks alot


Elite Member
Dec 23, 2000
Sounds like the CPU multiplier and/or FSB is set incorrectly in BIOS. Check "CPU Plug and Play" page in BIOS.



Golden Member
Apr 4, 2000
It is definitely a FSB problem. The motherboard iteself determines that the FSB is 100 mhz. As a result along w/ the multiplier of 7.5 (7.5x133 = 1000) and with a FSB of only 100 mhz, I get a cpu speed of 750. :(

The unfortunate thing is that there is no jumper nor is there a bios option that can used to change the fsb to 133 mhz. What's worse is that after looking at the motherboard, I found out that its rev 1.0 which then leads me to think that with this being the first commercial available implementation of the motherboard, that it must have a buttload of problems especially when it comes to support the later 266 mhz standard for AMD Athlon CPUs.

However, I want to look on the bright side and still continue to think that it is a problem of my own ignorance rather than a actually problem w/ the motherboard.

Has anyone been successful in installing a 266 mhz version of any AMD Athlon cpu and have it recognize as a 266 mhz cpu ?

Also, the memory is a Crucial PC133 (MT chips) 256 MB stick, so I seriously doubt it has something to do w/ the memory. :(


Elite Member
Oct 15, 1999
The BIOS doesn't "determine" FSB, _you_ have to set it right. However, depending on how old that M805 is, you will either have
VIA KT133 or KT133A chipset, and only the latter can do 133 MHz FSB at all. With the older board revisions, you need to get a
100 MHz FSB Athlon "B".

regards, Peter