problem with netmeeting


Diamond Member
Nov 6, 2001
Me and my friend are trying to connect on netmeeting. we're both on but then it says either me or her are not on. We updated to the latest version, tried the same with MSN but to no avail. we see blank images in MSN and on netmeeting it says we can't connect. Any ideas on how to fix this?


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
More details of what you are doing, what you are seeing, and the dialog you get would help. For example, what do you mean by "then it says either me or her are not on"...not on what? An ILS server? Messenger? The internet? Then you say "tried the same with MSN" you mean MSN Messenger?

Just on a first hunch, I'm assuming when you say "MSN" you mean "MSN Messenger". And then you right-click your friend and choose Start NetMeeting, correct? When you can't connect, this is usually because NetMeeting cannot resolve the IP address correctly. A very common reason NetMeeting cannot resolve the IP is because one or both of you are behind a router or NAT, and do not have external IP address(es) with the 'net.

You also mention "blank images" in MSN. So this would assume you are both using XP, in which caser you cannot start a NetMeeting conference via Messenger.

So until some details are added, it's a little too confusing to narrow down your problem.


Diamond Member
Nov 6, 2001
alright, sorry if i wasn't specific enough.

When i open up netmeeting and my friend opens up hers, we try to connect to each other and netmeeting says can't find the person on the directory, they might be logged off or something. However, that's not the case. no, we didn't spell the e-mail addresses wrong.

i'm behind a router and so is she. However, this worked fine last year but doesn't this year after i upgraded her computer.

Ok, that would explain why Msn messenger doesn't work. would yahoo messenger work?


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
81 I'm assuming now that you're using an ILS server. Which one do you use? As you may know, Microsoft retired their servers in December of 1999.

Also, you should NEVER log on to an ILS server using real email addresses. This is an open invitation to spammers and various other eeeeville people to fill your inbox.

Further, it doesn't matter what your email addresses are for connecting with NM. But I digress. Try using IP addresses for connecting, and skip the ILS completely. Have her click Help->About...the IP address is at the bottom. Have her tell you what it is. Go to the main UI and type in the address into the address bar and click the Call's that easy.

To keep from automatically logging onto an ILS when loading NM, go Tools->Options and uncheck both boxes under "Directory Settings".

BTW, you didn't mention what you did to "upgrade" her machine. This could be a pivitol reason for why it worked last year and doesn't work this year.

People have reported that Yahoo Messenger succeeds in some A/V connections where NM and Messenger fail. It's always worth a shot if all else fails.


Diamond Member
Nov 6, 2001
alright i tried what you said and now i can see my friend but she can't see me. Any ideas?