Problem with Iomega ZipCD 12/10/32 & DMA setting


Oct 11, 2000
I just got the ZipCD from the Hot Deals forum and I was playing around with it yesterday. I had DMA enabled and I tried to do things while burning to see the burn-proof technology in action but it didn't "go into action." It just froze the burner when it's buffer ran out and I had to cold boot.

After burning 5 coasters, I turned off DMA to see if that could be it and now it works but (correct me if I'm wrong in assuming that it's better/useful) I want the DMA setting on. =)

One thing I suspected was that I had that setting for "Reserve DMA Buffer" in Device Manager checked w/ 64 K reserved and I thought that might've been the problem. But I disabled that and re-enabled DMA and still no burn-proof. =(

I have a P3 650@923 on an Abit BE6-2 rev 1.2...the drive is on the primary master of the ATA33 connector (HD's on ATA66 or supposedly 100?). Any suggestions?


Golden Member
May 27, 2000
if i turn on DMA in win98 with this cdrw, it's not detected for me, anyone know why? it shows up in device manager tho.


Nov 28, 2000
I'm trying to flash to the Plextor firmware 1.07. When I go to disable DMA there is no option for it. I know computers so I'm no dope in this department. I have Win98SE.

Both my DVD drive and the Iomega do not show a DMA option in the device manager. What's wrong here? Is this a setting in BIOS, cause all my drive are running at max speed.

Also when I recorded a full music cd, it worked fine, finishing in just over 6 minutes.


Oct 11, 2000
Alright, I fixed my problem!

First off, I searched DejaNews for any threads concerning this issue and found one about Plextor 1210A & the 1.07 firmware doing the same thing that happened to me. No one really had a solution except to flash back to an older firmware version.

To keep it simple (meaning I won't go into my cheap old troubleshooting adventure), I'm gonna tell you guys how I fixed it. =)

(order doesn't matter, these are just points to check)

1) Flash to the 1.07 firmware
2) Enable DMA
3) Go to BIOS and set PIO Mode of the CDRW to 3
(w/ Award bios, found under Integrated Peripherals)
4) I also disabled the Ultra DMA setting for the CDRW in the BIOS...don't really have a good reason for this but I thought that it might help. Can someone tell me if it works w/ the setting enabled? Don't want to waste another cd testing the burn proof (already wasted 8).

Now my drive is 1.07 w/ DMA enabled and burn proof works! Yeah!


Senior member
May 18, 2000
One thing that is very important to understand... these problems relating to DMA are system-specific. This means your mainboard, your mainboard BIOS, and the chipset drivers you have installed on your system.

I have two drives, I put one of each in two different systems. One is an ASUS P3V4X which is a Via 133PRO system -- no problem. The other system is a ASUS CUSL2 which is Intel 815E chipset - no problem. I did not have to disable DMA or anything special.

Even the things you did, such as turning on PIO mode in the BIOS -- may not have been required with certain BIOS versions on the same motherboard.

I say all this, as I'm getting a lot of email at with people who haven't even tried the update and they mucked their system all up turning off DMA and other things. Just run the update program, see it it works, before doing anything!

ASPI layer has to also be working... all this and more inf on the troubleshooting/FAQ page: Firmware Update Troubleshooting Info


Sep 2, 2000
DMA>>>>>> The presence of the checkbox is determined by whose Bus Mastering drivers your machine is using. Microsofts,Intels,or someone elses. Many VIA busmasters set DMA using the install program. I am running all Intel currently (cellys at 850 +450 on BX and 810) so can't check this but I think the VIA busmasters are part of the Via 4n1 patches that most non-Intel users should be very familiar with. Run the install program again. It gives you a choice of enabling or disabling DMA. THis is the method used for controlling DMA in most cases when you do not see a check box in device manager.

J-E-T-S JETS! JETS!! JETS!!! :-(


Junior Member
Dec 30, 2000
I also have this problem. I have firware 1.07 and DMA checked. I was trying to burn a 600 meg movie file and the nero 5.038 lock up the Iomega. I burned about 5 coaster. I only have this problem when I burn from my HD to the Iomegea. CD to CD works great. What I did to fix it was to increase the hd buffer to 100 meg setting and ram setting to 64 in nero. Gave me a perfect burn.

My system spec:
P3 500 > 667
ATI Rage Fury
Deskstar 13.2


Senior member
Sep 24, 2000
Did you know if you put a jumper on the reserved pins on the back it enables UDMA mode for the drive?

If I don't use the jumper it reverts back to PIO 4 by default.

I had firmware 1.03! Jeez! Now I have 1.07 and DAE is 14x-30x CAV.


Platinum Member
Mar 4, 2000
I believe EZCD 4.02e and above only supports burnproof, right?

now, can anybody help me enable DMA for my iomega under win2k? I'm using a K7v(via KX133) board and only discovered it while trying to flash to 1.07. IT's odd; the primary channel (my hard drives) say UDMA while the secondary (the burner) only says PIO4... and VIA's busmaster drivers don't work in win2k...