problem with GF3


Jan 21, 2002
My GF3 performs amazingly OC'ed and non-OC'ed but I cant get it to preform even at substandard rates for High Polygon counts. Without an overclock it preforms at about 13.1 mil with 1 light and about 2.1 mil even with a max overclock of 240/540 (which is NICE ) I still only get 18.5 and 3.8. Now I have tryed to download the "new" 27.xx drivers but they fail with cstrike and it wont complete 3dmark with 240/540 settings please help !


Jan 21, 2002
Why dont you look at several benchmarks of the Geforce3 Ti200 you'll see that 3.9 past GFti500 levels is a bunch of S#!t.

I mean look at this benchmark, Bench1

or this one, bench2


Golden Member
May 14, 2000
I'm going to have to agree with cmdrdredd. I never noticed until I read this post but my high poly test scores are just as low as yours are. The link below doesn't show the numbers as I only ran the tests required to get scored, but I looked back in my project manager at an 89xx score using the same drivers with my fsb 2mhz lower and my poly score is as low as yours. So I went browsing the ORB, seems low poly scores with the 23.10-23.12s (maybe some others too) are the rule rather than the exception. In fact I looked back at the scores from my last rig, same videocard but slower cpu and motherboard using the 12.90 drivers and it handily beat my current high-poly numbers. Go browse the ORB for scores similar to yours using the 27.42 drivers, they score far, far better in high-poly than the previously mentioned ones.