Problem with electric motor from an air pump...


Senior member
Jul 1, 2001
Ok i got this air pump thats from a car,,,its got a cig lighter plug on the end. i tried to use it today and it wouldnt turn on. i check the wiring and the switch, everything is fine. i take the motor out and hook it up directly to the power source. it wont spin. but if i help it along, like give it a little starter push while its connected the the power source, it will start up and spin under its own power. however, its lacking major power even when i get it started by giving it a little push. when i attach the motor to the pump and get it going, it doesnt have the power to inflate anything, it just stops the motor dead. almost like only half of the motor's magnets are working.

can this be fixed? the case for the motor is pretty tough to trying but i dunno if i can do it. its got like metal lips folded over the cap side, and its hard to get anything in there to pry it off.


Senior member
Jul 1, 2001
well i looked at the box. one year warrenty but i bought it in 97. so much for that. is there anyway to repair it or is it now trash?


Oct 13, 1999
When I have something that "sorta" works I just take it apart and rebuild it which usually solves the problem.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2001
maybe try putting a little oil on the spindle of the motor? maybe it is locked up?

Monel Funkawitz

Diamond Member
Oct 12, 1999
If it makes a high pitched squeal, the oillite bearings are dry, and a drop of good oil will do.

If not, either the brushes are worn, corroded, the communtator is corroded, or the armature is shorted/open. Put power on the motor, and look at the brushes and look for excessive sparking. That is worn brushes. Sometimes you can bend them down more, but the motor is kicking it's last.

Corrosion can be fixed with contact cleaner, sandpaper, etc.

Basically what it boils down to is those motors are disposeable. They are not meant to last long. Your best bet is to get a new compressor, as buying a motor will cost as much as a cheapo cigarette lighter compressor. Once you remove the back housing of the motor, the brushes spring in and are tough to get back together. I have torn apart zillions of them. Some are fixable, some are not, and very few are really worth spending the time on anyway.

If I were you, I would tear it apart to visually see how it works, scrap it, and get a new one. They are cheap.


Senior member
Jul 1, 2001
i put a dab of oil in it. now it starts with less effort but its still lacking the power. it just stalls really easily. oh well, its like 5 years old, time for a new one i guess.