"Problem" with a friend....need advice!


Junior Member
Mar 18, 2001
hey people, i need your advice on something

i have this friend, and like i have liked her in the past, but i don't like her right now. we are really close. she is my best friend and i am one of her best friends (she has 3-4), and also her best guy friend

anyways, we have a rep of always talking and everything, and sometimes people wonder if we are going out (but she has a boyfriend)

i have noticed her MANY times staring at me, and other stuff.

recently i have started kind of watching her to see how much she stares and everything, and i don't think she likes it much. maybe she has even started acting a little strange cuz of it (like a little cold maybe)

she says she has never liked me, but she is always staring at me and doing a lot of things that would make me think this. she was even doing this when i had a girlfriend and all.

my question is this: how many of you have had friends like these? what did you guys do about it? any suggestions what i should do?

i don't like her, so you guys know. however, i care very much for her, and i guess she's my lil sis and i'm her big bro. i don't wanna ever like her again, (had problems when i did, cuz i acted like a jerk) but at the same time it's rather strange with how she is acting, and it makes me wonder and everything. we are very close, and i don't wanna fvck things up.

i could just try and not think about it, but that's kind of hard sometimes (i broke up with my girlfriend, so right now there is nothing to keep me "occupied")

any suggestions/comments would be appreciated. thanks


Feb 13, 2001
hmmm......i once had a similiar scenario and everything. all i can say is don't read into things to much. lol


Senior member
Dec 19, 1999
You don't think much of yourself, do you. Is there any reason why you can't just take her word that she isn't interested in you for anything more than just a friend. You might have been imagining the first watching, but now that you have started watching you, how could she not stare right back. If I had someone staring at me all day, I know I would be creeped out. Given your history with this girl, she probably thinks that you are interested in her again. Just let the whole subject drop and start acting like your normal self and not some paranoid teenage boy. That should do the trick.
Oct 9, 1999
you sound like a confused preteen / teen in between 13-16.
If you feel she is after you, your probably right.
That's something I learnt in life. Too bad I learnt it a lot later in life... :|


Junior Member
Mar 18, 2001
visgf ..... i beleive her, yet she acts way too much like she does

i only started looking at her after i found out she has been staring at me like 10 times a day, for 2 weeks, and about 30 sec at a time

it's just rather hard to not think about it

but i will try and just let it drop. sigh


Senior member
Dec 19, 1999
When I was in high school, I had friends who drove away several other friends due to their overactive imaginations. I just sat back and let it be, and I was usually the one that alienated the fewest. In the end, does it really matter. Go read that other thread about checking out friends. It will probably turn out to be something completely harmless if it is anything at all. You'll learn that life after high school is no longer governed by the looks and more by the actions and words.


Feb 13, 2001
haha. good advice visgf

now i feel bad that i didn't post a link to that thread, considering that i created it....lol

Yo Ma Ma

Jan 21, 2000
Maybe she is staring because you are acing differently, perhaps she caught one of your swift side-glances and now her curiousity is piqued. If she liked you as more than a friend, I'm sure she would have welcomed the opportunity to tell you so when you asked. If it's otherwise then you'll know after awhile.