problem with 4 dimms on nforce 6100 board and freezing


Senior member
Jun 19, 2001

I'm running 4x512 pc3200 ddr ram dims on my gigabyte nforce 6100 motherboard with the 430 southbridge. When I let the board autodetect it shows up at 333 MHZ for the ram and everything runs fine. If I force it to run at 400 MHZ everything seems fine until I run something heavy, like FEAR then after afew hours it starts to have a sound skip and the system locks up then reboots. If there some issue with nforce boards running 4 dimms at 400, or something with the memory controller of the amd 64 chip maybe. I thought I heard once that it can have trouble if you run 4x512 and it's better to run 2x1 GB. If you have any ideas please le me know. I've done all the usual stuff like swap slots and make sure my windows install was clean.


Michael Netting