problem playing online...


Aug 31, 2004
Hi all-

I am not very skilled with networking and am in a huge bind (in fact, I just reinstalled my XP operating system to no avail...). I would VERY much appreciate ANY help you can offer. Okay, here it goes...

I have dsl, with an Actiontek modem and a Gigafast EE400-R router (share internet with family). My problem: I can connect onlline/ browse, but I cannot get into any online games (I can't connect to Steam for Half-Life, no Battlefield Vietnam, and ASE or All-Seeing-Eye shows all servers pinging at 9999). Here is what I have tried so far without success:

1) Connect directly to modem and bypass router (this worked for a while, but I must have changed something because now even this won't work- but it was anyways very annoying for my wife to always find out I had disconnected the router- lol)
2) I have a switch which I connected instead of the router (again, this WAS working but is not anymore)
3) I have tried opening ports, but am not terribly adept at the task so possibly I'm having issues with that, but if I go directly to the modem, I shouldn't even have to worry about that...

so I am totally stuck and would love some help. Oh yeah, and the firewall is off...

PLEASE HELP ME!!!- I have invested an embarrasing amount of time on this and am totally stuck.
thanks a ton...



May 10, 2004
Hmm, run some trace routes to the game servers you're trying to connect to and post the results here.

This will tell you where your connection to the server is being blocked, and we can troubleshoot from there.

To run a traceroute

click "start"
click "run"
type "cmd"
at the prompt type "tracert" replacing the zeros with the IP address you want to connect to.