Problem: HD stacking via firewire. One HD no longer shows up.


Golden Member
Oct 13, 1999
I have Win 2000 Pro on my Dell Inspiron 8000 laptop with a 32 MB HD. Connected to the laptop via firewire, I have a Maxtor 80GB Firewire drive that is just about full. Attached to that firewire drive I have a Maxtor 120 GB drive in an ADS firewire case. The 120 is connected to the 80 via a firewire cord. Now all of a sudden the 120 no longer shows up. I know it is working because I plug the USB portion of the ADS (120 HD) in my Dell 8250 desktop and it shows up (The ADS case has dual ports for firewire and USB 2).

When I connected the 120 directly to the laptop, it still did not show up (I did reboot).

What should I do to get it back on my laptop?

I reloaded the ADS software but no change.

My Dell 8250 does not have a firewire card so I can?t verify the firewire connection to the ADS case. Like I said above, the UBS 2 connection works.


May 9, 2003
I've never had problems with firewire but have had 3 external USB2 drives running at one time. One of the drives (maxtor) would not be seen on a cold boot or reboot on a W2k machine but if I unplug and then plug it in while running it would find the drive. Just a thought


Golden Member
Oct 13, 1999
I tried that but will try again. I am stumped. I guess I may have to get a cheap firewire card for my desktop to see if the firewire port on the firewire case is working.