Probably local, but worth a stop at Staples to check


Jun 12, 2000
I was in local Staples actually getting some stuff for work. I was in a hurry, so I didnt investigate the deal much further than seeing the sign posted.

They had a sign that they were closing out the Rio Volt 800 for $149.99 add some paper clips or what ever and use a $30 off $150, you would have a really nice MP3 player.

As I stated, I just glanced, and didnt really think how hot it was till after I left and remembered that I had gotten some new coupons recently. May be local YMMV

Also had
Palm Vx GPS system for $14.99
120 CD binder w/ bonus 24CD wallet for $9.90

This was Highway 92 Staples in Yukon, Oklahoma (suburb of Oklahoma City) Maybe you can get your Staples to call and price match, I know it was a legit deal, there were several signs in the store.

Good Luck :)


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2001
hey that palm V gps is a hot deal for 15 bucks.. you got a store number for the store.. and possibly a SKU.. i work tomorrow at 9 and i will pull it up on the AS400 and see if its a nationwide deal..
