Our 25 person accounting firm runs a Windows 2008 R2 RDS with each user connecting from their own Windows computer @ their office/cubicle. A bunch of our users have printers on their desks - either HP P1505's or P1505n's.
We want to replace these P1505's because they have been nothing but headaches.
The P1505's were originally coming into the RDS session through the RDP client, but because of how 2008 R2 talks to Windows XP computers that caused 10 meg print jobs as soon as there was anything more complex than straight text since 2008 R2 turned every job into an XPS document before pushing it across the RDP client to the local computer and out to the printer, so we turned each printer into a shared printer on the local computer and added them as network printers from the RDS computer.
This works great, unless the power goes out. If that happens we have to run around and reinstall each printer locally to get the firmware to push to the printers again (stupid host based printers).
The P1505n's work awesome and aren't subject to that host based issue, but print jobs seem to jam in their print queues once/twice a week which necessitates logging in to the RDS as an admin, reset the print spooler and delete the offending job.
I'm sick of this garbage.
Where do we go from here? Does anyone make a small non-host based printer that we can have sitting at everyone's desks? A network printer is fine, but not needed. We used to have old HP 1100's that worked flawlessly for nearly 10 years. I want to get back to that kind of life!
We want to replace these P1505's because they have been nothing but headaches.
The P1505's were originally coming into the RDS session through the RDP client, but because of how 2008 R2 talks to Windows XP computers that caused 10 meg print jobs as soon as there was anything more complex than straight text since 2008 R2 turned every job into an XPS document before pushing it across the RDP client to the local computer and out to the printer, so we turned each printer into a shared printer on the local computer and added them as network printers from the RDS computer.
This works great, unless the power goes out. If that happens we have to run around and reinstall each printer locally to get the firmware to push to the printers again (stupid host based printers).
The P1505n's work awesome and aren't subject to that host based issue, but print jobs seem to jam in their print queues once/twice a week which necessitates logging in to the RDS as an admin, reset the print spooler and delete the offending job.
I'm sick of this garbage.
Where do we go from here? Does anyone make a small non-host based printer that we can have sitting at everyone's desks? A network printer is fine, but not needed. We used to have old HP 1100's that worked flawlessly for nearly 10 years. I want to get back to that kind of life!