((did a search, found no results))
Any advice on PMs at staples.com?
How does it work?
I wanted to pm a hard drive that is at sams club, and apply a coupon code. What information do I need handy? staples SKU, local sams club phone number?
what if I were pricematching an online item? would I tell the CS the url? ie "question mark, attilla, curly thing, F-G-D, then a slash"...
or just tell him what website the product is at?
Any advice on PMs at staples.com?
How does it work?
I wanted to pm a hard drive that is at sams club, and apply a coupon code. What information do I need handy? staples SKU, local sams club phone number?
what if I were pricematching an online item? would I tell the CS the url? ie "question mark, attilla, curly thing, F-G-D, then a slash"...
or just tell him what website the product is at?