It is really strange.
At this point it certainly appears that the GOP candidate will be either Trump, Cruz or Rubio. Of those, Trump and Cruz are, in my view, obviously unsuitable candidates, and either of them would be an absolute shit show as President. I have to say I find it shocking that these are the men who are in serious contention to be the Republican nominee.
I'm inclined to agree.
I remember thinking the other day that Rubio will probably get it. He's usually just wrong instead of both wrong and crazy, and he knows his place within the conservative hierarchy. I expect the GOP establishment to move mountains, any way they can, to make Rubio the nominee. Trump doesn't follow the party line, and anything with Cruz involved will be a clusterfuck. Cruz's sleazy opportunism is giving Trump's capricious asshole routine a real run for the money I think, both easily make rational adults cringe. By comparison Rubio is equally or more mature despite the age difference, and hampered "only" by relying on cherry-picked sources or party dogma. His ethnicity and age might qualify him to benefit from some of the anti-establishment, but he's not teahadi and wouldn't run off the old school pubs.
Republicans used to have to pick between 'dumb' and 'less dumb,' now they're choosing between 'dumb' and 'really dumb plus crazy.'
I see Putin has entered the race again too. Just like he did in 2004 when unsurprisingly he voiced support for the guy who would make his job easier. Let's see if the usual suspects figure it out this time, or if Putin is again some kind of friend and hero who America should look to for advice.