Something about chlorine in the gene pool would be appropriate here. No sympathy.
If only the solution was that simple. What's really going on here is the death of another brave soul at the hands of the evil elemental God of Fire.
Been there done that nearly. Back when my wife was a drugged up lunatic she fell asleep in bed with a cigarette. Of course it falls out of her hand onto the bed.
Burned through the comforter and started on the sheet which was on my leg. I'm sound asleep and in my dream my leg starts getting hot. It quickly woke me up in a groggy state and I yell out "I'M ON FIRE!"
Which of course wakes up the drugged out wife who reaches over, grabs her soda off the nightstand and dumps it on me. Then she rolled over and went back to sleep.
I was fucking furious. I dont miss those days.
You know you're an addict when you can't even stop when it's harming your child.
I declare a ban on all beds. In fact, outlaw sleeping entirely. If you are caught sleeping, you are to be placed in prison.
If you are caught sleeping in Texas, you will be shot.