Powercolor Radeon 9600 proez 400core 400mem any good ?


Diamond Member
Jan 23, 2001
Same question here.

I recently purchased a PowerColor 9600Pro Ultra for $180+. That card was rated at 400/340. Well, the one I got does 400/337.5 (not without problems, mind you), but doesn't overclock for $hit. This is supposedly the most advanced 9600Pro on the market. Why is it rated lower than this 9600 Pro EZ cheaper and has memory rated at 400Mhz? Also, it looks like this EZ card has the older style memory chips - why and what does it mean?


Golden Member
Oct 21, 1999
If you look at the pictures of that PowerColor 9600 PRO EZ version 128MB DDR you can see the DDR ram is the slower rectangle shaped TSOP (thin-small-outline-packages) kind, instead of the faster smaller square BGA (ball-grid-array ).

This means the DDR ram is 200Mhz DDR (effective 400Mhz which is the number they are quoting)

The 9600pro memory runs 300Mhz DDR (effective 600mhz).

So, essentially there are now 3 kinds of 9600?s ?

9600pro ? ? ? ? ?400/300
9600pro EZ/lite ? ?400/200 ? ?factory overclocked 9600 ?.LOL
9600 ? ? ? ? ? ? 325/200

I would find a true PowerColor 9600 pro clocked 400/300 as they come with really good 2.8ns Samsung memory, shouldn?t cost much more and will be a lot faster than the EZ version.

A regular 9600 325/200 can be overclocked to 400/200 (EZ speeds) easily and may be cheaper than the EZ version.


Senior member
Oct 19, 2001
Originally posted by: IgoByte
Same question here.

I recently purchased a PowerColor 9600Pro Ultra for $180+. That card was rated at 400/340. Well, the one I got does 400/337.5 (not without problems, mind you), but doesn't overclock for $hit. This is supposedly the most advanced 9600Pro on the market.

My PowerColour 9600Pro works perfectly @ 500/350 out of the box without even bothering to test it any higher.. i suppose its the luck of the draw (and maybe climate).