Power supply : how to calculate....


Senior member
Mar 20, 2000

how can i calculate the total amount of power in max stress that is needed ?

Probably that i can look on web site of components to see max power consumption but for the cpu and PCI card im not sure how if these spec are available...

I ask this for 2 reasons:

-the comp in my sign is probably at his limit
-I will add 2 ultrathin HDD fan + 1 case extractor and maybe a peltier kit.

So, when i add these components probably that my 250W wont be enough. So I now have to choose between 300W or 400W power supply.

There is Antec that has PP303X (300W) for 50$ and PP403X (400W) for 100$...are these quiet ? Could i find a better deal ?

In conclusion, i have 2 question :

How to calculate power consumption of ALL my components ?
Are Antec PS quiet and reliable ?

PS sorry for the double post...but i want feed back...


Mar 24, 2000

Your issue is a little more complex than totalling the power requirements of all yout components. Many supplies list individual maximums for +5 and +3.3 volts BUT there is a Combined 3.3 and 5 max which is much less than the two totalled. If you have any doubts, get the more powerful supply, you'll never regret it.


Senior member
Mar 20, 2000
Thanks daddyG for the info. Anyone have an answer about the 3.3 and 5.5 V ?

Also, is the Antec The better choice or should i look for something else ?


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 1999
Okay, it's not soo much that the components you have are going to PUSH over 250W but the fact that the 300W PS tend to have better components which results in a cleaner signal, though both may be able to supply the needed amount of current. It will be fairly difficult to calculate max power draw of each component but I suppose you can look up the specs for most stuff and makes guesses where you are missing data. Mainly your Video Card, HD, CD-ROM and CPU are going to eat the most power.

Or you can just say screw it and go with the 300W Antec. I'm sure you will be fine with that unit unless you plan to do some exotic cooling running of the PS.