how can i calculate the total amount of power in max stress that is needed ?
Probably that i can look on web site of components to see max power consumption but for the cpu and PCI card im not sure how if these spec are available...
I ask this for 2 reasons:
-the comp in my sign is probably at his limit
-I will add 2 ultrathin HDD fan + 1 case extractor and maybe a peltier kit.
So, when i add these components probably that my 250W wont be enough. So I now have to choose between 300W or 400W power supply.
There is Antec that has PP303X (300W) for 50$ and PP403X (400W) for 100$...are these quiet ? Could i find a better deal ?
In conclusion, i have 2 question :
How to calculate power consumption of ALL my components ?
Are Antec PS quiet and reliable ?
PS sorry for the double post...but i want feed back...
how can i calculate the total amount of power in max stress that is needed ?
Probably that i can look on web site of components to see max power consumption but for the cpu and PCI card im not sure how if these spec are available...
I ask this for 2 reasons:
-the comp in my sign is probably at his limit
-I will add 2 ultrathin HDD fan + 1 case extractor and maybe a peltier kit.
So, when i add these components probably that my 250W wont be enough. So I now have to choose between 300W or 400W power supply.
There is Antec that has PP303X (300W) for 50$ and PP403X (400W) for 100$...are these quiet ? Could i find a better deal ?
In conclusion, i have 2 question :
How to calculate power consumption of ALL my components ?
Are Antec PS quiet and reliable ?
PS sorry for the double post...but i want feed back...