Potential HOT: Netgear wireless router + pcmcia card @ staples NEXT wk: $100 AR/AC/PM


Senior member
Jan 13, 2002
Ok, at staples, NEXT week. Takes a bit of work, but easily doable.
The wireless netgear router is $180, with a $30 rebate.
The pcmcia card is $90, with a $20 rebate.
Thats $270 total.
at EMSComputing, if they still have the free shipping, the MR314 router is $125, and the MA401NA pcmcia card is $66, thats 191 total.


$270-87=183. Add the $30 off $150 coupon, and its down to $150. Then send the rebates for $20+30, and youre down to $100. Lot of work, I know...but its a great deal.

BTW, calling in Staples to PM is totally hassle-free 90% of the time, and they let you combine coupons and PMs. BTW you can also add other things from the list, and use a $40 off 200 coupon, etc.

Credit to myself.


Senior member
Jan 13, 2002
Originally posted by: FFactory0x

And here

Each are a variation of the same deal. I posted your deal on the first link
Funny, "both" those threads are the same thread. also, look at the thread dates.
07/13/2002 7:02 PM
Those rebates were available two weeks ago, then not anymore, and now next week again. Also, there is a $10 price difference in the rebate of the wireless card. Also, the prices dropped. That deal is $195 - 40 rebates - 30 (or 40 off 200) coupon, which is $125 or $115. Mine is $100.