oh yeah, i know [japs] hack too...seriously, around chicago area...and its "Daddy HACKS!!!" no monkeylovegood hax!!..hehe
i hate noobs accusing though, i feel they gotta be at least doing decent before they accuse, and it btter not be based on k
this morn i got a 33:1 and some "n00b" kept saying NO one can get that and accsuing me of hacking
then again if anyone was watching, i would see how they got the idea, i got my ak spraying down and i can out snipe anyone w/ my ak so yeah, i guess even to a decent player it would look like i was hacking. BUUUT if they watched hard enough, they will notice that i always double takes in order to know where people are..or the fact that i miss alot of shots and gotta stop shooting in order to get my crosshair back down but oh well newbies will be newbies=)
...man..that was like soo stupid and n00bish of him though....haha..i love owning chicago severs so if u play in chicago..PLEASE look me up if u think u can take me..yes..i am that ARROGANT=)..haha..i can't help if considering it is my life
ak for LIFE..haha..i remember when i was like that about the coltm but the ak such a better value! 2.4k for a ak compared to 3.1k for a colt?..lol..i frogto prices already in the 2 hrs i just played..heheheheheh..i'm such a n00b=(
btw, i hate "l33t" talk but it's so addicting!!..stupid immature people controlling my mind!!