That you didn't know about me:
I placed FIRST in my age division in a triathlon. The triathlon consisted of running, biking, and instead of swimming, they replaced it with canoeing. I was in the middle of the field at the end of the run, but I absolutely owned the biking portion. Relatively flat course, or rather, no steep hill climbs. I blew people away left and right, and many of them were competing as teams, thus were "fresh" when they hit the bike stage. I was among the overall race leaders when I hit the canoe portion.
The embarassing part: there were whitecaps on the water from the wind. I was in an 18 foot flatbottom fishing canoe. While I came in first in my age division, it's because I was the *only* one in my age division competing individually. I came in next to last overall. The canoeing portion absolutely absolutely sucked. The wind was strong enough to blow me upriver against the current if I ever tried to rest for a moment. Paddling as hard as I could, I only made progress between wind gusts. I would have come in dead last, except the two girls who moved toward the center of the river to pass me in the last couple hundred yards ended up capsizing as they passed. They lost one of their paddles in the process. It was enough for me to hold onto next to last place overall.
One of these days, I'm going to enter another triathlon just to prove myself. This time, it'll be a racing canoe or racing kayak.