My daughter, Katie. She just turned 18, so this was taken around 2000. Nikon D1 (2.74 megapixels) with a Sigma 14/2.8.
This is a scan from 35mm negative done on a
Nikon LS-2000 scanner. Probably Fuji 200 print film in a Canon T90 with a 20-35/f3.5L lens back around 1999.
1995ish, Fuji 200 print film, Canon T90, 135/f2, unknown film scanner.
1999ish, Fuji 400 print film, Nikon F3, Nikkor 28/f2.8, Nikon LS-2000 film scanner.
1998ish, Fuji 200 print film, Nikon F3, 80-200/2.8, Nikon LS-2000 film scanner.
1997ish, Moving Vietnam Wall Memorial, Canon T90, Canon 20-35/3.5L, Fuji 200 print film, unknown Nikon film scanner.
This is a sad thread, it's making me realize how little of the work from my newspaper days I saved. I have almost nothing from 13 years of shooting, while probably 100k+ negative rot in the archives of a few different newspapers I used to work for.