Possible to use this with ati?


Senior member
Jan 8, 2005
Dfi's new motherboards Ultra-D, Sli-D, and Sli-DR support this technology called

"Dual Xpress Graphics (DXG?) Technology"

it then says on the page that it works with any pci-e graphics cards...

can anyone try this with 2 ati x800 or x850's and let us know the benchmark's?

This can be the defining stand against expensive SLI CONFIGS that are fast... SLi 6600 is bullshit. :-D



Diamond Member
Nov 19, 2001
Interesting, but post this in Video or General Hardware where it will likely see much more traffic.


Senior member
Jan 8, 2005
YESSSS, i got an interesting, no sarcasm, i'm actually happy, and on another note check this out.

reading http://www.neoseeker.com/Articles/Hardware/Reviews/dfinf4ultralp/2.html scroll down to the last 2 paragraphs after the karajan module.

to summarize: Yes nvidia has cracked down on the Sli-Hack which can't be done anymore. You can still change the lanes to be used as x8 x8. So basically in theory with the use of DXG technology and the jumper settings switched so the pci-e lanes run at x8 x8... ati can pretty much do it...

Btw, on that neoseeker article it says the jumper settings are silkscreened on the mobo near the jumpers


Senior member
Jan 8, 2005
"The NForce4 chip supports 20 PCI Express lanes. These lanes can be assigned to the PCIe slots in two different ways.

The normal format has the following lane assignments

x1 x16 x1 x2

So, the second graphics slot (which has a PCIe 16 physical form factor) has just 2 PCIe lanes. Performance compared with the x16 slot is degraded

When you change the bank of jumpers on the board into "SLI" mode, it changes the lane assignments to

x4 x8 x0 x8

When you are using an SLI setup, this is the mode you would use but it does not mean this mode is actually specifically for SLI. So, whilst it is called "SLI" mode on the jumper settings, it really just changes the PCIe lane assigments. "


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2003
Please don't crosspost topics across GH, HT, and Video.

Can you use it with ATI cards? Sure. But it's not SLI; it just gives you two x8 PCIe slots instead of one x16 and one x2. It won't run any faster.


Senior member
Jan 8, 2005
Sorry matthias as always, i only crossed betwwn GH and HT for more people to see.

Can you post your benchmark Matthias99 with 2 ati cards and your dfi mobo set to 2 x8 slots? even with x16 and x2?


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2003
Originally posted by: JaceAce32
Sorry matthias as always, i only crossed betwwn GH and HT for more people to see.

Sorry, I thought you'd also posted this in Video.

Can you post your benchmark Matthias99 with 2 ati cards and your dfi mobo set to 2 x8 slots? even with x16 and x2?

I don't have a DFI motherboard, nor even one ATI PCIe card, but I don't need one to tell you it won't run any faster. Why would it possibly change the benchmark results? All it's doing is giving you two PCIe x8 slots instead of one PCIe x16 and one PCIe x2.

It might improve performance slightly for programs running on the card in the second slot, but this is not SLI/AMR.


Senior member
Jan 8, 2005
Edit: btw matthias... "this is not sli/amr"... yea i know.

oi vey, stop knocking on the idea, and why wouldnt it change benchmark, you have a card being accessed at x8 instead of x2 c'mon

shit like that, blah blah "impossible", if you can get someone to help with hacking nvidia's sli profile for games to be accessed then surprise surprise so please stop knocking on the idea.

Is it possible for someone to try this out though?

1. a dfi ultra-d motherboard
2. 2 x800's etc.
3. you can take it from here with any game and benchmark program, play around with it.


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2003
Originally posted by: JaceAce32
Edit: btw matthias... "this is not sli/amr"... yea i know.

oi vey, stop knocking on the idea, and why wouldnt it change benchmark, you have a card being accessed at x8 instead of x2 c'mon

Yes, it might marginally improve performance of the secondary card. However, this will not increase performance beyond normal levels -- and PCIe x2 is almost as fast as 4X AGP, so I doubt it's much of a bottleneck to begin with. Unless you're running two 3D-accelerated programs simultaneously (one on each card), this is not going to do anything useful for you.

shit like that, blah blah "impossible", if you can get someone to help with hacking nvidia's sli profile for games to be accessed then surprise surprise so please stop knocking on the idea.

Huh? I didn't even use the word "impossible" in any of my posts. And WTF are you rambling about with NVIDIA's SLI profiles?


Senior member
Jan 8, 2005
ok how about this, hop off and if you are not going to try it then dont post in the thread, you have an 'impossible' mindsight, thats what i meant to say.

And by rambling about nvidia sli profiles, SLI isnt full proof. Games have to support the profile of sli which tell it how to render the picture, so if you can hack that....

So politely speaking... Bro if you are not going to try it, dont come into a thread and just say that it wont work, try it out and tell me.


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2003
Originally posted by: JaceAce32
ok how about this, hop off and if you are not going to try it then dont (sic) post in the thread, you have an 'impossible' mindsight (sic), thats (sic) what i meant to say.

And by rambling about nvidia sli profiles, SLI isnt full (sic) proof. Games have to support the profile of sli which tell (sic) it how to render the picture, so if you can hack that....

So politely speaking... Bro if you are not going to try it, dont (sic) come into a thread and just say that it wont (sic) work, try it out and tell me.

I didn't say it "won't work", but if you're somehow expecting higher performance from two graphics cards in an 8x/8x configuration (which you get on any SLI motherboard already; you don't need this extra DFI mode) than just one card in an 8x/8x configuration... then you really don't understand how 3D graphics are rendered.

I'd gladly try it if I had a board with dual PCIe slots and two PCIe graphics cards, but I think you'll find few people who do. It doesn't really matter, though; it will run exactly the same as with one card. 3D applications (unless specially coded to use multiple renderers, or using some driver-level technology like SLI) run on one graphics card at a time.

Yes, you might see some slight increase in performance from PCIe x2 to PCIe x8 -- but who in their right mind would run a game on the card in the PCIe x2 slot if you had two cards installed in a non-SLI motherboard?


Senior member
Jan 8, 2005
Great, you made me cry.

Dfi ultra-d mobos are not regular mobos they have this new technology, just please think about it.

"You miss 100% of the shots you dont take." Let someone try, i dont think it will work homeslice but i dont know that it wont work


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2003
Originally posted by: JaceAce32
Great, you made me cry.

Dfi ultra-d mobos are not regular mobos they have this new technology, just please think about it.

"You miss 100% of the shots you dont take." Let someone try, i dont think it will work homeslice but i dont know that it wont work

Please leave the inane sports metaphors at the door.

This "new technology" does exactly what all NForce4 SLI motherboards already do. Without specially coded application support or something like SLI, this will not improve performance beyond a single-card solution. If you're not grasping that, then I really don't know what more to say.