Possible to install 98 from Win2k???

I have a notebook with Win2k and Linux on it. I want to nuke the Linux partition and install 98 on it and be able to dual boot 2k/98. Is this possible? The problem I see is that I don't have enough room on the 2k partition to install 98. Does 98 have to be on the primary partition to boot?


Senior member
Jan 11, 2001
youd be better off installing 98 before win2k since win2k is better about picking the partitions and such.. but if you do install win98 after win2k youll need to make sure you can fix your boot loader because 98 will most likely mess up ntldr


Mar 14, 2001
Be careful! I tried to install the windows bastard child, WinME, from Win2K Professional, and it screwed my boot sector so I had to start all over with 2K. That really pissed me off, esp. since I had 2K all set-up as my primary OS.

Install Win2K from 98,ME == Good
Install Win98,ME from 2K == EVIL, EVIIIILLLLL!!!!!!:disgust:

Hope this helps

I was really just worried about not being able to install 98 on the d: drive. It's possible if the c: drive is FAT32. If were NTFS I would be hosed. I got the install done and am typing from 98 now.

Yeah, 98 nuked my 2k boot loader. I can fix that easy enough. You just start a 2k install then abort after it copies the files. Then boot from a floppy and edit c:\boot.ini to fit your system, adding c:\ for 98 and deleting the 2k install setting. I wish there was an easier way, but there is none I know of.


Platinum Member
Oct 9, 1999
dwell, is your D drive a partition on the master or a slave drive? I haven't been able to achieve what you have done. When I "fixed" the 2K install, 98 would not boot??? I was installing it to my E drive (disc O, partition 2). Didn't seem to hurt my 2K install at all after the fix, but no 98.


Golden Member
Mar 23, 2000
What you need to do is install it on another partition, 98 and Win2k won't work together. After you install 98 you won't be able to choose os's. Boot with 2000's cd or with the 4 setup disks. Choose repair installation and fix the boot record. That'll give you the menu again.



Mar 14, 2001
An Emergency Repair disk. Choose Manual Repair and it and it can fix the boot sector. You can modify boot.ini after to reflect your Win98 partition. Should work.

Underclocked: I only have one physical drive, so everything is on the master.

xchangx, jeebus21: Thanks for the tips. I will try it out. Either way is quicker than starting/aborting an install to get the bootloader back. Thanks.