Possible Hotdeal on PNY 64MB GF3 Verto ($246 after MIR)


Senior member
Oct 3, 2000
Go to pricewatch and look for "PNY 64MB NVIDIA"

The best "RETAIL" deal I found was $285 plus $11 UPS Ground Insured from Micro Pro!

Now, on page 9 of the new CompUSA circular it shows a $50 MIR. I went to http://www.pny.com/ and was unable to locate the rebate. So, it may be only for CompUSA??? This will require some research! I personally am going to hold out for the ATI Radeon AIW 8500DV, but this is tempting!!!

BTW, the price for the GF3 on the Micro Pro Website is $319.00, so you have to mention Pricewatch when checking out to get the $285 price! Also, if it's possible to use a "non-Retail" version, you could shed off another $12.00, but I don't think the "White Box" has a UPC! :(


Senior member
Oct 3, 2000
There is a Rebate Questions section on PNY's website, but that would take some time! The best way is for someone to go to CompUSA and see if the rebate is only for CompUSA, but it isn't even showing on the website yet. I'll keep searching for the PNY rebate on the web, you'd think they'd make it easier!!!