So I was watching like the discovery channel or something the other day, and I see this national geographic show on rats in the sewer systems. It was a really cool show, because they had little cameras in the sewers and they were somehow following them around as they ran around everywhere underground. so they follow this rat, and he's going up pipes and around corners and then suddenly the camera cuts to the inside of a bathroom and this big f*cking rat climbs out of the toilet. Damm thing stands up, shakes itself off and procedes to go into the other part of the house.
now obviously this had to have been setup, and how in the world they did it I dont know. But goddammed if I didnt have a nightmare about rats climbing out of toilets and now i wonder if I should leave my seat down. I'm thinking of toilet training my cat and obviously, she can't lift the lid up.
now obviously this had to have been setup, and how in the world they did it I dont know. But goddammed if I didnt have a nightmare about rats climbing out of toilets and now i wonder if I should leave my seat down. I'm thinking of toilet training my cat and obviously, she can't lift the lid up.