Popping and Crackling in Deus and UT???


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2000
i have a sb live platinum with the latest liveware 3 drivers. I notice that i get this popping and crackling with deusex and with unreal tournament. i see that this really only occurs with these two games. I am using headphones also (grado sr80's). i have tried switchin the slots on my platinum card and no luck. The popping occurs at any volume level, it is just louder when i set the volume higher. Is this a problem with the game or with my hardware. I have my headphones connected to the headphone output on the live drive btw.


Golden Member
Jul 5, 2000
This is unfortunatly a problem with the game itself. I'm not exactly sure WHY it happens, but it seems to happen most often when there is a high amount of bass playing in game. Unreal originally had this problem, but since the recent patch, it fixed the crackling sound. However, UT (in its effort to remain backwards compatable) didn't get this sound upgrade (at least, i don't think), and Deus Ex, because its so flawless, hasen't even needed a patch (so far), and so the sound code is still old. There isn't much you can do except live with it.

You can try (in UT), to type 'preferences' in the console, and play around with the sound setting there. something might fix it. Unfortunatly, i don't know how to access that menu under Deus Ex


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
I get the same thing in UT with my SBLive! as well.
I have the latest drivers as well. I'm running Win98SE right now, but I don't remember having it happen while I was running Win2k.