Pope visits a Muslim nation (Turkey) despite protests...

Art Vandelay

Senior member
Jul 30, 2006
Turkey, a secular nation, has welcomed him despite protests by its religious extreme minority... do you think this will help Muslim & Christian relations? Apparently he will be staying in Turkey for 4 days, which is suprisingly long for a papal visit...



Golden Member
May 11, 2005
It was a good surprise that Erdogan didn't avoid a meeting with the pope. The pope apparently has found the right words about the recent dispute over his speeches and it was recieved positively that he plans visiting the important Blue Mosque, too. An islamist party mobilised a surprisingly low number of protestors (15'000) against the pope visit so it became an indirect proof that the moderate muslims are still in power without doubt.

So for once it looks like everything is fine and the visit didn't cause any harm so far... Maybe some positive impulses for the christian - islam relationship will come from this, or it may even loose the tense relations between the EU and Turkey a bit. But it's too soon to judge, I think.


Golden Member
Jul 30, 2003
You want an Eye Opener? Visit Tehran Times article on Pope's visit to Turkey. For you knuckle draggers who don't know where Tehran is because we haven't sent troops there, Tehran is the capital of that Instrument of Evil, Iran. The article is very, very factual and low key. You think the Iranians are all nuts? Read the article. The Pope is in Turkey to meet Islamic and Jewish leaders as well as the heads of Turkey's Christian communities.


Sep 26, 2000
Originally posted by: Witling
You want an Eye Opener? Visit Tehran Times article on Pope's visit to Turkey. For you knuckle draggers who don't know where Tehran is because we haven't sent troops there, Tehran is the capital of that Instrument of Evil, Iran. The article is very, very factual and low key. You think the Iranians are all nuts? Read the article. The Pope is in Turkey to meet Islamic and Jewish leaders as well as the heads of Turkey's Christian communities.

Broken linky


Jan 5, 2003
The protests are rather small. They don't even number in the hundreds of thousands the last time I checked (largest I heard was 25,000).

Turkey is a beautiful Muslim country. No headscarfs in govt. buildings. Turkey FTW!.

The people who are protesting, I guarantee you they are a bunch of poor farmers who have low level education. Their dreams of a Muslim Islamic Fanatical (Iran-clone) Turkey are NEVER going to happen. Sucks to be them. Good to be everyone else in Turkey

I found this funny:
"On one side, 150 middle-class women, all wearing colorful Islamic headscarves and long Islamic coats, held printed banners protesting the Pope?s visit. On the other, lined up in a row, was a selection of Istanbul?s finest: female police in dark blue combat pants and plastic body armor, wielding batons. The message from the authorities to the protesters was simple enough: you send your Islamic womento stage a demonstration. We have our secular women?in riot gear?to stop you. "

If only every Muslim country could be like Turkey.



Sep 28, 2002
Originally posted by: Aimster
The protests are rather small. They don't even number in the hundreds of thousands the last time I checked (largest I heard was 25,000).

Turkey is a beautiful Muslim country. No headscarfs in govt. buildings. Turkey FTW!.

The people who are protesting, I guarantee you they are a bunch of poor farmers who have low level education. Their dreams of a Muslim Islamic Fanatical (Iran-clone) Turkey are NEVER going to happen. Sucks to be them. Good to be everyone else in Turkey

I found this funny:
"On one side, 150 middle-class women, all wearing colorful Islamic headscarves and long Islamic coats, held printed banners protesting the Pope?s visit. On the other, lined up in a row, was a selection of Istanbul?s finest: female police in dark blue combat pants and plastic body armor, wielding batons. The message from the authorities to the protesters was simple enough: you send your Islamic womento stage a demonstration. We have our secular women?in riot gear?to stop you. "

If only every Muslim country could be like Turkey.

Civil Liberties FTL.

As for this - Good they can protest, and good the pope made a visit. Although they protest "until he says sorry" (or so the link says) but I thought he said that already?