Originally posted by: Aimster
The protests are rather small. They don't even number in the hundreds of thousands the last time I checked (largest I heard was 25,000).
Turkey is a beautiful Muslim country. No headscarfs in govt. buildings. Turkey FTW!.
The people who are protesting, I guarantee you they are a bunch of poor farmers who have low level education. Their dreams of a Muslim Islamic Fanatical (Iran-clone) Turkey are NEVER going to happen. Sucks to be them. Good to be everyone else in Turkey
I found this funny:
"On one side, 150 middle-class women, all wearing colorful Islamic headscarves and long Islamic coats, held printed banners protesting the Pope?s visit. On the other, lined up in a row, was a selection of Istanbul?s finest: female police in dark blue combat pants and plastic body armor, wielding batons. The message from the authorities to the protesters was simple enough: you send your Islamic womento stage a demonstration. We have our secular women?in riot gear?to stop you. "
If only every Muslim country could be like Turkey.