waggy No Lifer Dec 14, 2000 68,143 10 81 Mar 2, 2004 #3 yeah. i always tip them. "watch out for that first step! its doosy!", "get here faster next time or i will shoot you!" etc.
yeah. i always tip them. "watch out for that first step! its doosy!", "get here faster next time or i will shoot you!" etc.
jcwagers Golden Member Dec 25, 2000 1,150 14 81 Mar 2, 2004 #4 I don't either. Most of those people make pretty good money so I don't see a need. jc
A Actaeon Diamond Member Dec 28, 2000 8,657 20 76 Mar 2, 2004 #6 Never thought about it.... though at work (at pretzel stand), we sometimes offer them a drink or a pretzel. I never do it for home delivery.
Never thought about it.... though at work (at pretzel stand), we sometimes offer them a drink or a pretzel. I never do it for home delivery.
minendo Elite Member Aug 31, 2001 35,558 20 81 Mar 2, 2004 #7 I only tip them around the holidays or if the package they delivered was heavy.
G gistech1978 Diamond Member Aug 30, 2002 5,047 0 0 Mar 2, 2004 #8 no, never. suprisingly enough UPS drivers make decent money.
O ojai00 Diamond Member Sep 29, 2001 3,291 1 81 Mar 2, 2004 #9 I've never thought about tipping them.
Z z0mb13 Lifer May 19, 2002 18,106 1 76 Mar 2, 2004 #10 DONT!!! if a lot of people start doing this, they will expect to get tips!! (like rest waiters...) if he is carrying a lot of stuff, you can offer him drink or somthin..
DONT!!! if a lot of people start doing this, they will expect to get tips!! (like rest waiters...) if he is carrying a lot of stuff, you can offer him drink or somthin..
ISAslot Platinum Member Jan 22, 2001 2,888 107 106 Mar 2, 2004 #11 No, but i tip their truck. They don't like that. They get in it and floor it and it just grinds around in circles.
No, but i tip their truck. They don't like that. They get in it and floor it and it just grinds around in circles.
P Parrotheader Diamond Member Dec 22, 1999 3,434 2 0 Mar 2, 2004 #12 Maybe if a guy just unloaded a ton of heavy boxes I'd offer him a glass of water or something, but no money. The delivery guys make very decent money.
Maybe if a guy just unloaded a ton of heavy boxes I'd offer him a glass of water or something, but no money. The delivery guys make very decent money.
A AlienCraft Lifer Nov 23, 2002 10,539 0 0 Mar 2, 2004 #14 During the Christmas Holidays I give everyone a small token of my appreciation of their service.