POLL: Would it be worth it for me to try AMD?


Aug 4, 2000
Im thinking about giving AMD another shot at winning me back, even though Ive been a longtime Intel user. My only other experience with AMD was two dead chips and a dead mobo. Instability, random reboots, etc (even after going back to default settings).

Im thinking DFI, Dual Core Inopertron ;), x850xt. I really dont want to spend alot of money.

This is from a 3.2C @ 3.6 that has run stabily for two and a half years.

Is it worth it or should I keep waiting?

ps. If my experience is bad it will be more fuel for the fire. :evil: ;)



Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2001
Nowadays, your chip isn't likely to burn out because your HSF didn't make contact and with the heat spreader you're a lot less likely to crack the delicate core. Your instability probably came from your motherboard and its chip. I've never been a big fan of Via and ALi, which were the prominent ones back them.

But you already have a fairly speedy chip. Do you feel it slowing you down or do you just have the itch to upgrade? If money is an issue, just wait it out a little bit longer.


Aug 4, 2000
Well the itch is never reaaaallly gone now is it? ;)

Im thinking Ill need an x64 chip for windows vista.

Unfornately x32 days are numbered. I figure I can still use my 2x512 pc4000 Kingston HyperX, as opposed to having to buy ddr2.


Diamond Member
Dec 13, 2003
A 3.6ghz northwood is a blazing fast chip, so the only switch that would be worthwhile is a dual core, assuming you run programs that can take advantage of it. Otherwise, a northwood @3.6 is very fast. My northwood @3.45ghz was ahead of my prescott @3.82ghz in a lot of things, although the prescott did get an advantage at video encoding, or SSE3 optimized programs, so a 3.6 northwood is likely equivilent to a 4ghz prescott in most things.


Moderator Emeritus, Elite Member
May 16, 2002
If you have to itch, go ! But as stevty says, what will be the uses ? Dual-core is the future. Opteron 165/170 is a great way to go.


Aug 4, 2000
I guess its going to have to wait. I cant find a video card similar to my x850xt agp with vivo for around $200 in PCIE format. :( I have to have VIVO.

Oh well.


Moderator Emeritus, Elite Member
May 16, 2002
Originally posted by: FelixDeKat
I guess its going to have to wait. I cant find a video card similar to my x850xt agp with vivo for around $200 in PCIE format. :( I have to have VIVO.

Oh well.
Why bother with PCI-E. Get an Nforce3 MSI NEO2 or similar motherboard, and keep your video and memory.


Dec 28, 2005
If you properly put the pieces together and install the heatsink properly, the chance of hardware failure is quite low.

I dont know why would it be worth it for you to try AMD nor do I care very much. Your decision to buy from Intel or AMD does not concern me. But dont get me wrong. I would gladly help out if you encounter a problem.

If you dont feel comfortable buying AMD chips becuase of bad experiences, then dont. Intel chips may be a little less bang for the buck depending on the situation. However, if you feel safer going Intel, it might be worth the investment.

I am not bashing you. I just feel that we should not give you advise on choosing components. You should do the research and decide whether it is worth it or not on your own. After all, this is YOUR system. We might think it is worth it, but ultimately, it is you that will be using the system. So you should make your own decision.


Senior member
Jul 16, 2005
You hold off for a bit and see what the new AMD and Intel offerings that will come out this year... (Memron (?), AM2, etc...)


Aug 4, 2000
Originally posted by: Markfw900
Originally posted by: FelixDeKat
I guess its going to have to wait. I cant find a video card similar to my x850xt agp with vivo for around $200 in PCIE format. :( I have to have VIVO.

Oh well.
Why bother with PCI-E. Get an Nforce3 MSI NEO2 or similar motherboard, and keep your video and memory.

A good PCI E card could last a couple of years whereas AGP will probably be defunct this year.

Gigabyte GA-K8U-939 Socket 939 ULi M1689 ATX looks like another alternative but I think the answer is to wait a few more months while prices come down.


Mar 2, 2004
Originally posted by: Markfw900
Originally posted by: FelixDeKat
I guess its going to have to wait. I cant find a video card similar to my x850xt agp with vivo for around $200 in PCIE format. :( I have to have VIVO.

Oh well.
Why bother with PCI-E. Get an Nforce3 MSI NEO2 or similar motherboard, and keep your video and memory.

felix, you can always get a socket 939 mobo w/ agp that supports dual-core.


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2001
Originally posted by: FelixDeKat
I guess its going to have to wait. I cant find a video card similar to my x850xt agp with vivo for around $200 in PCIE format. :( I have to have VIVO.

Oh well.



Right there. Took me less than two seconds to find.
Card either comes unlocked at 16 pipes off the bat, or is 100% softmoddable into 16 pipes. Then just overclock it up to X850XT speeds. Only reason why you wouldn't do this is if you didn't want to overclock to void a warranty. But, there's your $200 PCI-e card.


Aug 4, 2000
Originally posted by: Avalon
Originally posted by: FelixDeKat
I guess its going to have to wait. I cant find a video card similar to my x850xt agp with vivo for around $200 in PCIE format. :( I have to have VIVO.

Oh well.



Right there. Took me less than two seconds to find.
Card either comes unlocked at 16 pipes off the bat, or is 100% softmoddable into 16 pipes. Then just overclock it up to X850XT speeds. Only reason why you wouldn't do this is if you didn't want to overclock to void a warranty. But, there's your $200 PCI-e card.

Your assumption is correct, Im not crazy about voiding warranties and thereby decreasing resale value, along with the possibility of sustaining a capital loss of $200+ as "part of the bargain".

Although my final decision now is to reevaluate in 30 days, there is another way - buy a non vivo xt along with a video capture card like dazzle that can also be used in the future.

I bearly bought the xt and sold my trusty 5600ultra right here on AT, so its costing me nothing to wait.

When is 64bit Vista supposed to come out anyway? Thats going to be the key date for me.



Elite Member
Jan 4, 2004
Meh, your 3.6 GHz P4 is still flying fast, so unless you need dual core, i see no point in switching.

Vista is due supposedly around Christmas, but it's been pushed back many times, so who knows when it will actually come out.
There will be two versions though, 32-bit & 64-bit.
Obviously, i'd guess the 64-bit version will be considered the ideal one, but i imagine there'll be lots of support for 32-bit for a couple years still.

As for you not wanting to void warranty by getting an X800GTO2 & converting it to an X850XT...okay, i get that.
But it makes no sense for you to care since you voided your warranty on your P4 the minute you started OCing...


Aug 4, 2000
It was an OEM chip and had no warranty to begin with.

Its a 32 cap that will almost hit 4ghz on air but not reliably. It just lacks 64 bit capability to be ready for the next 24 months, which has been my ideal upgrade cycle since 1991.


Senior member
May 28, 2001
If you like to tinker/build systems go ahead and start putting one together. Stability is just not a problem from what I have seen.

I have my 2.4c @ 3.0 running and I still use it for Premiere, e-mail ect. I have my Opteron 148 @ 2860 next to it and use it mostly for LOMAC and some WOW. I also loaded my copy of Photoshop on it and it really flies. It loads up in like half the time it takes the p4. Lock on also runs much, much better.

I enjoy overclocking as much as anyone, but I don't care for instabilty. The only problems I have had recenlty are occasional issues that I attribute to the Starforce copy protection that I have to use with LOMAC. I just wasn't having any issues at all before I installed it.

If you have the money, get an Opteron of your choice and a reputable board and start building.



Diamond Member
May 3, 2001
I went from a P4 3.2C that does 3.73Ghz on stock volts, to an A64 @2.6Ghz, and gaming was significantly faster. Of course better video cards were another factor.

Just my 2cents.


Elite Member
Oct 13, 1999
FelixDeKat wanting to try using AMD? WTF, someone jacked his AT account or something and post this as a joke?


FelixDeKat, what about your current system do you envision or want to change? If it is raw CPU performance, then yes go with AMD. If it is dual core, well your CPU with HT is partway there. If it is for a better GPU on PCIe, then go with AMD. If it is for 64 bit Windows, wait for Vista and get socket AM2 since WinXP 64 bit may or may not still have driver issues. Of course there will probably be issues with the new OS... personally I'd wait until the first Service Pack is out. :p You just KNOW they're gonna have a Service Pack.

I'd say keep your P4 system until one of the following happens:

1) You want to change video cards again.

2) Vista 64 is available and you want to use it.

3) A major component on your system dies (mobo, CPU, video).

I have an overclocked AMD x2 for my "main" rig and an overclocked P4 for my "gaming" rig. I've been racking my brains trying to think up a reason to upgrade my 2 year old gaming rig but so far I can't noticeably beat the performance for under a grand... only reason would be if I sold my system at this point. The P4 is running 3.33GHz, has 2GB RAM and a 6800GT video card.

Originally posted by: Cooler
Soon games will be coded for dual core in next year or so go for it!

I saw some benchmark numbers on Quake 4 with the dual core patch and it looked very promising. However, it also gave a boost on systems with HyperThreading, such as the 3.2C that FelixDeKat already has.


Dec 19, 2005
Originally posted by: FelixDeKat
I guess its going to have to wait. I cant find a video card similar to my x850xt agp with vivo for around $200 in PCIE format. :( I have to have VIVO.

Oh well.

doesnt the x1xx series have VIVO or AVIVO i think its called now (could be wrong)? Why dont you see if the x1600xt or x1800xl is up to par with the x850xt. Which im sure they are.

heres an x1600xt for 202 before shipping, and its PCI-express. Hope the link works.