POLL: Whats your biggest fear the next 4 years?


Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2004
Whats your biggest fear the next 4 years with the Bush administration?

My biggest fear is our economy collapsing and nothing Bush does helps. Second biggest fear is our environment becoming much worse. Bush hasn't been very helpful on environmental policies.

edit: okay I added all of the above for some and the Supreme Court judges


Apr 25, 2001
Loss of freedom (I'm including gay marriage and abortion here too). Bush and Bush's supporters have shown a disturbing willingness to place their religious beliefs over the importance of civil rights and protecting minority groups for "The good of society". That sort of behavior almost always tends to go farther than it should.


Nov 23, 2001
I'll go with loss of freedom, along with the potential for Bush to appoint new Supreme Court justices.


Diamond Member
Jan 26, 2004
Originally posted by: Rainsford
Loss of freedom (I'm including gay marriage and abortion here too). Bush and Bush's supporters have shown a disturbing willingness to place their religious beliefs over the importance of civil rights and protecting minority groups for "The good of society". That sort of behavior almost always tends to go farther than it should.

What he said.


Nov 13, 2003
an attack is almost a definite... no matter who won...

deficit will probably continue....

gay ban unlikely... however, allow marriage is even more unlikely...

i dont even know what will hppen with abortion...

environment is fu><ored

iraq is never going to end... never..

more worried about nuclear war with the 3... hopefully the un can control something... like they are suppose to ...

draft is almost inevitable... who the hells gunna fight the four more wars...

freedom...the patriot act took enough of that away already... whats a little more...

ofcourse there is tons of other problems...

the worst that could happen is cheney becoming pres... cus all these problems would increase... exponentially ...


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
Mainly, continued people getting nothing back for the taxes they pay. No help should they falter, no help in old age just pay pay and pay for a a lifetime with nothing to show for it.

Bush and republicans want to get rid of welfare and food stamps which is only 1% of the federal buget..guess 1% is too much a price to pay for some sort of social insurnace.

They are looking to privatize SS to great benefit to wall street who has stagnated for the last 8 years, who's last great inflationary windfall was tax deffered retirement plans set up in the 80's and 90's. Stocks are all overvalued and must crash leaving old americans w/o any benefit.

What else is there that goes back to the people? Nothing really. We pay 24% of our GDP in taxes and recieve very little back. Even Ireland, which has lower taxes (17% of GDP) has national heath care for those who have none and has child care for working mothers/fathers.

We spend all your money supporting the MIC and corporations though pork barrel and sometimes no bid contracts.


Golden Member
Sep 6, 2002
I went with the 4 years in Iraq. I voted for Bush because I do think we need to fight terrorism hard. But I think that if we do what we have to do there, we need to get most of our troops out as soon as Iraq can fend for themselves. There is no reason for that to take 4 years and that things can't look al ittle brighter there 4 years from now. This is not to say I expect 100% of our troops to be out, but I just want the Iraqi's to take more responsibility and get the terrorists out of the country.


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
Robert: Ireland, et al., does'nt have demons they are always fighting like "war on communism" "War on drugs" and now a "war on terror".


Moderator in SFF, Notebooks, Pre-Built/Barebones
Aug 23, 2003
Invading another Axis of Evil country is my hope.

We ARE the world's policeman, and we need to flex our muscle by any means necessary to show Iran and North Korea that they will not pursue (more) nuclear weapons.


Nov 9, 2000
Originally posted by: Zebo

They are looking to privatize SS to great benefit to wall street who has stagnated for the last 8 years, who's last great inflationary windfall was tax deffered retirement plans set up in the 80's and 90's. Stocks are all overvalued and must crash leaving old americans w/o any benefit.

Thats a bad thing? I pay lots $$$$ into social security which goes to pay current beneficiaries. I wish I had some of that money so I could invest it rather than having the government force me to "invest" it. I'll say again, my contributions are not invested. They are used to pay current beneficiaries. There won't be enough people paying in to the system when I reach 65. I'll take my chances with the market.



Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
Originally posted by: rudder
Originally posted by: Zebo

They are looking to privatize SS to great benefit to wall street who has stagnated for the last 8 years, who's last great inflationary windfall was tax deffered retirement plans set up in the 80's and 90's. Stocks are all overvalued and must crash leaving old americans w/o any benefit.

Thats a bad thing? I pay lots $$$$ into social security which goes to pay current beneficiaries. I wish I had some of that money so I could invest it rather than having the government force me to "invest" it. I'll say again, my contributions are not invested. They are used to pay current beneficiaries. There won't be enough people paying in to the system when I reach 65. I'll take my chances with the market.

Yup, it's a paygo plan, we will have to raise SS taxes or cut benefits in the future if it's unsustainable as many are saying, however currently and forever it's been running a massive surplus which congress missapropriated. These people are entiled to thier monies back I think.

Plus many of beneficiaries NEVER paid a dime in, Disability insurance (DI), was 171B last year while Old-age and survivors insurance (OASI) was 212B. How to pay for that?

Rudder if you're unhappy about the tax there are way to avoid it. Passive income, capital gains, or being vested in a 403b will allievate you from this TAX.


Diamond Member
Oct 30, 2000
a much more widespread war.

(but i'll sleep well knowing that those gays
better not even think about marrying).


Elite Member
Sep 30, 2003
I voted for "other"

It's North Korea, perhaps Iran. Although I fully expect Isreal to take out their (Iran) reactor as they did with Iraq's.

EDIT: To clarify, the choice regarding the other 3 evil empires seems to indicate fear regarding OUR possible action. My fear is others' actions.


Forum Director & Omnipotent Overlord
Forum Director
Oct 9, 1999
There are many, but the Supreme Court looms large.


Diamond Member
Dec 17, 1999
That I am going to have to listen to mindless rants about Bush being the AntiChrist for the next four years. I almost voted for Kerry just so someone else could take the blame........:roll:


Diamond Member
Sep 25, 2003

His [JIM ROGERS] bearishness on the US dollar is predicated on economic fundamentals, notably the balance of payments. Alan Greenspan, the chairman of the Federal Reserve and Rogers' bogeyman-in-chief, has been printing money on an unprecedented scale and President George Bush has been spending it just as rapidly.

"The US owes the world $8 trillion," he argues. "We are the world's largest debtor nation by a factor of many times and our foreign debts are increasing by $1 trillion every 21 months. That's terrifying.

Dollar demise

"People need to understand about this major change in the world and about the demise of the US dollar. The US dollar is going the way that sterling went as it lost its place as the world's reserve currency. I suspect there will be exchange controls in the US in the foreseeable future. It will be a complicated and difficult currency."

Not that Rogers is a fan of many currencies. He says he has stakes in a dozen but has "no confidence in any of them". He expects the euro to fail eventually but holds some anyway because he judges it to be less flawed than the dollar. For the record, his daughter's assets are held in Swiss francs and gold, silver and platinum coins.

Unlike his old partner, Soros, who has devoted part of his vast fortune to opposing Bush's election campaign, Rogers stands wholly outside the political fray. He calls the US-led invasion of Iraq a "horrible, horrendous, unbelievable mistake", but thinks the Democratic candidate, John Kerry, would make his own mistakes. "They wouldn't be politicians if they knew what they were doing," he says, far from flippantly.

The balance of payments, and the looming dollar crisis, make the election result irrelevant, he argues: "Whoever is elected president is going to have serious problems in 2005-06. We Americans are going to suffer." link

President Bush is going to have to juggle the limping US economy (growth, deficit, tax cuts, outsourcing, probable recession etc.), the Iraq war and foreign scepticism of his policies along with military woes. The US is saying that the US dollar is overvalued and needs to get weaker which would mean that imports would get more expensive for Americans, US exports more inexpensive for foreigners along with easy investment in US assets for foreigners (i.e. foreigners will buy up more of the US but the worth of their previous investments in the US will also drop) and stymied growth of the world economy (which relies on exports). And if the dollar gets weaker the oil price will also rise.

The world is very sceptical of Bush while at the same time the trade deficit is getting to be truly troublesome. That is not a good combination.

If President Bush drops the ball on the dollar and the dollar collapses watch Bush go nuclear (hopefully figuratively).



Golden Member
Dec 16, 2001
Who really cares about anything else if you're starving (i.e., soaring deficit spending IS GOING to jack up or interest rates relatively soon...possibly within the next 4 years, and the economy will be worse than it's EVER been)?