Im looking into entering the webhosting arena to earn some money on the side. I lease dedicated servers for my own purposes and have excellent experience with remote administration and security maitenance. Im thinking of offering several levels of hosting: something like:
Level 1: $5/month
250mb space
1gb/month bandwidths
5 users/email addresses
Web-based email
Ensim web-interface
Frontpage extensions, SSI, Stats, etc
1 Mysql database
Anything else?
Level 2: $10/months
1gb space
5gb/month bandwidth
20 users
10 mysql databases
rest is the same as level 1
Level 3: $15/month
5gb space
10gb/month bandwidth
50 users
unlimited databases(by request)
Tomcat 4 JSP/Servlet server
rest is the same as level 1
The server will be firewalled and constantly monitored by an intrusion detection package(PSAD).
I will probably implement the trouble ticket system for support, forum for user community, daily backups to a separate server, and network stats and dns/email servers on a a separate server in case something terrible happens to the hosting server.... The hosting server will be a Pentium 4 2.0ghz with 512mb ram and 80gb hard drive. It will be used by 100-200 users at most and the bandwidth will be sufficient to sustain them all.
Tell me what would you think about these plans and anything that you might want to add? I currently host a few mid to low-traffic sites so these would be used as references.
Level 1: $5/month
250mb space
1gb/month bandwidths
5 users/email addresses
Web-based email
Ensim web-interface
Frontpage extensions, SSI, Stats, etc
1 Mysql database
Anything else?
Level 2: $10/months
1gb space
5gb/month bandwidth
20 users
10 mysql databases
rest is the same as level 1
Level 3: $15/month
5gb space
10gb/month bandwidth
50 users
unlimited databases(by request)
Tomcat 4 JSP/Servlet server
rest is the same as level 1
The server will be firewalled and constantly monitored by an intrusion detection package(PSAD).
I will probably implement the trouble ticket system for support, forum for user community, daily backups to a separate server, and network stats and dns/email servers on a a separate server in case something terrible happens to the hosting server.... The hosting server will be a Pentium 4 2.0ghz with 512mb ram and 80gb hard drive. It will be used by 100-200 users at most and the bandwidth will be sufficient to sustain them all.
Tell me what would you think about these plans and anything that you might want to add? I currently host a few mid to low-traffic sites so these would be used as references.