Poll: SCSI-3 problems with MSI K7T Master SI (MS-6347) mainboard


Junior Member
Jul 17, 2001
I have problems with SCSI-3 port on MSI K7T Master SI (MS-6347) mainboard.

I have tried all options, I'll describe them later on, to connect my Compaq 18.2 10k (10.000rpm)
U2W harddisk to the onboard Adaptec AIC-7892 SCSI-3 connector. Untill now nothing worked.
On the harddisk are two jumpers located. According to the manual of the drive, I have put one
jumper on the 2/4 pair to "enable the disk drive DIFFSENS monitoring feature, required for
LVD SCSI". I have connected the SCSI-3 68 pin-cable (MSI Vendor:Amphenol) in the following way;
- the first connector of the cable is connected on the Adaptec-controller
- the second last connector is connected on the adapter, which is connected on
the 80-pin connector of the Compaq drive
- the last connector is closed off by a terminator
- the other three connectors are unused

There are no jumper-settings on the mainboard. The SCSI-drive is set on ID=0. The Adaptec-controller
is (standard way) set on ID=7. In the setup menu (press DEL at startup), the SCSI-terminator,
which is found in the header "Intergrated Peripherals" is enabled. When the computer (re)boots
the SCSI-setup menu can be found by pressing CTRL+A. In this menu a lot of options are
available. Here is where you can setup the ID's. When I let the setup search for my Compaq drive,
only the Adaptec-controller is found at ID=7. It cannot find my drive.

When I connect my Compaq drive on the SCSI-2 port(50-pins), which is also mounted on the mainboard, my drive is found!
But I want my drive to use the SCSI-3 port, because of its faster transfer rates (160M/s). Its is important to know
that this Compaq drive is my ONLY SCSI-device. There is no other.

My computer-configuration is as follows:
MSI K7T Master SI (MS-6347) mainboard
AMD 1.2Ghz processor
512 SDRam internal memory
Maxtor 30Gb 7200 rpm drive IDE
Compaq 18.2 10k (10.000rpm) U2W SCSI
Hercules 3D Prophet Kyro 4500 64 Mb
Pinnacle Pro TV card
Creative Live! 1024 soundcard
E-tech internal modem 56k6
Creative 12x DVD-ROMplayer IDE
Plextor Plexwriter 16x10x40A IDE
400W power supply

Is there anyone who can help me with this problem?

Thanks a lot!

Rob Bruijgoms,

Groningen, The Netherlands