I have been reading some articles at various places, and saw a show on the discovery channel about this stuff, and in like 1000 years, we'll probably have colonies all over the solar system. There will be a Mars colony, and we have the technology available today (though no-one wants to spend the money) to warm mars up and increase the atmospheric pressure enough that water will flow on mars, the atmosphere will be thick enough to block deadly radiation, and it will be warm enough that we will be able to walk around with just oxygen masks and not bulky suits. Since mars has .38 the gravity of earth, it wouldn't be that hard to build huge domes that we can breath in and grow food. And if we have enough plant life on Mars, in many thousands of years, it could become breathable.
Also, I was reading that there are some very ore and mineral rich asteroids in our solar system that could be worth billions and billions of dollars if we could mine them. This one guy, Dr. Zubrin says that in the future we will be able build huge cities of a million plus people on these asteroids and eventually, a huge solar system trade route between the asteroids, mars, and earth would be established.
My question to you guys is, would you like to leave our earth to do one of these things?
Also, I was reading that there are some very ore and mineral rich asteroids in our solar system that could be worth billions and billions of dollars if we could mine them. This one guy, Dr. Zubrin says that in the future we will be able build huge cities of a million plus people on these asteroids and eventually, a huge solar system trade route between the asteroids, mars, and earth would be established.
My question to you guys is, would you like to leave our earth to do one of these things?