POLL: Legalizing Marijuana In The States, Are You 4 It? Or Against It


Diamond Member
May 29, 2002
I am doing a essay for school, the topic which i have selected is whether or not to Legalize Marijuana in the United States. I dont know which postion to take at the moment...but just some thoughts maybe you can comment on:

-because cannibis is being legalized in Canada you think it will cause problems at the border into the us?
-its not a addictive drug
-standing outside your car pumping gas , inhaling the gasoline fuems kills brain cells...so does Marijuana
-hey it should be legal- it would save the goverment alot of money chasing the bastards who smuggle it.
-no it shouldn't its a drug..a bad one.

what you think, should it be legal? yes or no? please lmk-Joe

vi edit

Elite Member
Super Moderator
Oct 28, 1999
This horse has been bagged and stamped "Purina" on it.


Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2002
I did a debate on this before, and it was me and a friend vs. 2 friends. They were for legalization of "medicinal" marijuana, and we were against (this was a few years ago when the issue came up)

Well, just to cut to the point, there was a lot more information backing the legalization of marijuana, and us at the time (16 year olds) were amazed at how harmless marijuana seemed. We all grew up thinking it was the demon drug, etc. etc., but seriously the effects weren't too bad. We did a pretty good debate, and there was no winner/loser of it, but right now I would be pro-legalization. Of coruse the steps to take this would be pretty hard, you can't suddenly legalize marijuana, but overall looking at drugs, if the US Government came in and did something about it, we would have a lot less crime around.

Right now, my stance is for the US Government to legalize drugs, but slowly, by making it okay to carry less than 1/2 oz. of marijuana, then gradually phase it in. If marijuana was legalized, the prices of marijuana would drop very significantly, and drug dealers infamous nowadays for crime would be nonexistent. I personally would much rather buy marijuana from the a government subsidized company than some crooked dealer on the street. If the US Government took charge and got into this business, they could make a lot of money off taxes, keep prices low, and keep marijuana dealers off the streets.


Platinum Member
Feb 28, 2002
Originally posted by: here4amission
the gasoline fuems kills brain cells...so does Marijuana -hey it should be legal-

So by this reasoning, anything that does harm to you should be legal?


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001

For those who vote NO. Would you start smoking it if it were made legal? Then what makes you think anyone else would that is'nt already?


May 2, 2002
no becuz if govt. legalizes it, then it's just a gateway to legalize everything else. For example. Pounds and pounds of weed is being sold daily, yet it's illigal. Govt. realizes that it costing them money to catch these sellers. So they say, ok, lets legalize this $h!t. Then next drug... cocaine, or heroine. It'll be sold a lot too... then what? Govt. gonna havta legalize that too..



Diamond Member
May 30, 2001
Originally posted by: Carbonyl

For those who vote NO. Would you start smoking it if it were made legal? Then what makes you think anyone else would that is'nt already?

obviously legalizing it would make many more people try it and use it.



Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2002
Originally posted by: nyeturo989
no becuz if govt. legalizes it, then it's just a gateway to legalize everything else. For example. Pounds and pounds of weed is being sold daily, yet it's illigal. Govt. realizes that it costing them money to catch these sellers. So they say, ok, lets legalize this $h!t. Then next drug... cocaine, or heroine. It'll be sold a lot too... then what? Govt. gonna havta legalize that too..


no, the government stopped at alcohol and tobacco right now. just because marijuana is considered an illegal drug doesn't mean that once it's legalized everythign else is legalized. Tobacco is more addictive than marijuana, and it's worse for your health because tobacco smokers tend to smoke more tobacco (a pack a day) than marijuana smokers smoke marijuana.

you might wanna check out the "are you a bad speller" thread


Apr 5, 2001
I voted no for one simple reason. There are many people who think they can smoke a fatty and not have their faculties impaired. They believe that their conversations are brilliant and that they are actually coming up with new, rational ideas. This is all done while listening to their favorite music blasting loud enough to wake up the neighbors. They think they can jump in their cars and drive as well or better than anyone else while under the influence.

I have absolutely nothing against smoking dope. My problem is with the immature morons who cannot acknowledge that, while under the influence, they are morons who are not being brilliant nor are they in control of their faculties while in public.

If you want to get stoned, then stay home and don't endanger the rest of us.


Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2002
Originally posted by: HappyPuppy
I voted no for one simple reason. There are many people who think they can smoke a fatty and not have their faculties impaired. They believe that their conversations are brilliant and that they are actually coming up with new, rational ideas. This is all done while listening to their favorite music blasting loud enough to wake up the neighbors. They think they can jump in their cars and drive as well or better than anyone else while under the influence.

I have absolutely nothing against smoking dope. My problem is with the immature morons who cannot acknowledge that, while under the influence, they are morons who are not being brilliant nor are they in control of their faculties while in public.

If you want to get stoned, then stay home and don't endanger the rest of us.

So what about alcohol at parties?


Elite Member
Jan 29, 2000
Absolutely. As long as laws reflect moral and social condition for the masses, there must be consistency. Therefor, if liquor and tobacco are legal, then marajuana should be legal as well, and I have never, and I do mean NEVER, heard a legitimate argument against it. Thats because there is none.

That is a conservative stance of mine. Not a liberal one. The cost of incarcerating marajuana users exceeds the ability for many communities to deal with. Yet cops across the country will bust pot smokers because its a n easy bust and gets them(the cops) off the street and out of harms way for an evening of paperwork and a paid day in court to help the prosecutor who love easy pot cases.

The action in states seeking medical marajauna are not on the radar of this discussion. That is a different subject with different substantiating arguements.

If I recall, Alaska has the most liberal of the Marajuana laws, allowing for cultivation for personal use. possesion is good for a couple keys(?) or at least a couple lids.

By the way, I have smoked it, eaten it, cooked with it, and tasted about every kind in my day, and at this time I would not advise my children to use it or anyone else. It is an escape from reality,and can be dangerous if abused or if you drive under the influence. Punishment should be equal to that of current use of tobacco and booze is. But it damn sure has nothing to do with gateway,or anything else, and only serves to fill the pockets of neferious criminals who smuggle it in and profit illegally from it.

Grow it as a cash crop in the US, regulate its quantity AND QUALITY, tax it as is done for tobacco and alcohol. Heck, you pot smokers could probably rid the US of its national debt at the rate this minor drug is gaining popularity.;)


Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2002
The action in states seeking medical marajauna are not on the radar of this discussion. That is a different subject with different substantiating arguements.

Yes, but many pro-legalization activists view medicinal marijuana as a significant step for states to accept marijuana.


Diamond Member
Feb 9, 2000
Originally posted by: HappyPuppy
I voted no for one simple reason. There are many people who think they can smoke a fatty and not have their faculties impaired. They believe that their conversations are brilliant and that they are actually coming up with new, rational ideas. This is all done while listening to their favorite music blasting loud enough to wake up the neighbors. They think they can jump in their cars and drive as well or better than anyone else while under the influence.

I have absolutely nothing against smoking dope. My problem is with the immature morons who cannot acknowledge that, while under the influence, they are morons who are not being brilliant nor are they in control of their faculties while in public.

If you want to get stoned, then stay home and don't endanger the rest of us.

How is that any different from alcohol?


Apr 5, 2001
Originally posted by: NewSc2
Originally posted by: HappyPuppy
I voted no for one simple reason. There are many people who think they can smoke a fatty and not have their faculties impaired. They believe that their conversations are brilliant and that they are actually coming up with new, rational ideas. This is all done while listening to their favorite music blasting loud enough to wake up the neighbors. They think they can jump in their cars and drive as well or better than anyone else while under the influence.

I have absolutely nothing against smoking dope. My problem is with the immature morons who cannot acknowledge that, while under the influence, they are morons who are not being brilliant nor are they in control of their faculties while in public.

If you want to get stoned, then stay home and don't endanger the rest of us.

So what about alcohol at parties?

People who drink and drive are morons as well. I mean any drinking. If you are going to drink a beer, then don't drive for an hour or so. Same goes for mixed drinks. Think of the people around you.