I wouldn't change a thing. I wouldn't even save my little bro that died when he was 2. The effects of this might be disaterous, kinda like the chais effect : A butterfly flaps it's wings in Pekin, and its rainy in New York instead of sunny. Too many little variables that play into it that you cannot predict that could drastically change the way the world would be today, good or bad. That's where quantum physics comes in and would have you believing in 4 dimensions of the universe: the physical 3 (x,y,z) and time. Since we cannot live in multiple time periods, there has to be an infinite number of coexisting "dimensions" in which there was something different that happened. That is to say that if you can to a fork in the road, and in this dimension you chose to go left, another dimension was created where you went right. So likely, there is a dimension out there where Hitler one, Jesus wasn't born, the WTC is still standing, and one where all of those artists are still alive.