POLL:I am a homo......


Diamond Member
Apr 20, 2002
I have been this way all my life and im pretty open about it. People ridicule me but i know that if i stand up for myself others will too we dont need to hide anymore. We can live in comunities share interests and friendship. we dont need to live in pain. Why cant people just accept us. We are people too. Something needs to happen about this crualty to us. So i am openly announcing on Anandtch forums that i am a homophobic are you one too?


Jan 23, 2001
It is acceptable to me if you don't like homosexuals (though I really don't understand why you don't, or spend energy hating them). In fact, most of my best friends don't like homosexuals.

If you actually act out with this hate/dislike and beat up a homosexual, then this is where I have a problem.


Jul 8, 2002
Originally posted by: voodoo33500
I have been this way all my life and im pretty open about it. People ridicule me but i know that if i stand up for myself others will too we dont need to hide anymore. We can live in comunities share interests and friendship. we dont need to live in pain. Why cant people just accept us. We are people too. Something needs to happen about this crualty to us. So i am openly announcing on Anandtch forums that i am a homophobic are you one too?

You don't have to run around and tell everyone how homophobic you are, if you want to be a homophobe, fine, just be one in the privacy of your own home....

And learn how to spell neutral or natural or whatever "nutural" is supposed to be...


Diamond Member
Dec 3, 2001
I feel uncomfortable when they gays act very feminine.
I don't hate gays, but I certainly think is something "negative" meaning I wouldn't want my kids to be one.


Diamond Member
Apr 20, 2002
Originally posted by: bolido2000
I feel uncomfortable when they gays act very feminine.
I don't hate gays, but I certainly think is something "negative" meaning I wouldn't want my kids to be one.

ya well then you better protect those kids i mean they eben have gay stuff in kids movies right now (ice age)


Diamond Member
Dec 3, 2001
Originally posted by: voodoo33500
Originally posted by: bolido2000
I feel uncomfortable when they gays act very feminine.
I don't hate gays, but I certainly think is something "negative" meaning I wouldn't want my kids to be one.

ya well then you better protect those kids i mean they eben have gay stuff in kids movies right now (ice age)

yeah well....if you don't like something you either kill it or accept it.


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2000
Originally posted by: voodoo33500
Originally posted by: bolido2000
I feel uncomfortable when they gays act very feminine.
I don't hate gays, but I certainly think is something "negative" meaning I wouldn't want my kids to be one.

ya well then you better protect those kids i mean they eben have gay stuff in kids movies right now (ice age)

WHAT?! Please elaborate.


Elite Member
Feb 26, 2000
I'm just wondering who this "we" he keeps speaking of is.

I'm glad your comfortable with yourself and your surroundings, don't flog me with your lifestyle as I don't flog you with mine. as far as the issue goes, I've got nothing agenst gays, or the gay community, hell I have a lesbian teacher (no she isn't hot) and gay friends, I like most people have issue when they are flogged or confronted about the issue, walk up to me on the street say hi hows it goin, I get to know you, you get to know me, cool, no where in any manual does it say you have to come out right up front about your sex life I'm not saying you do, but I'm not saying you don't.


Nov 23, 2001
I have no problem whatsoever with homosexuality as a sexual preference. However, as a lifestyle, particularly an "in your face" lifestyle... now that's a different story.


Diamond Member
Apr 24, 2001
I'm not very comfortable w/ homosexuals admitedly. But I don't plan on anything violent or denying your rights. Just leave me alone, and I'll leave you alone. This is how law is based. As long as you don't bother others, everything is all good. :) We'll live together as human beings.


Diamond Member
Apr 20, 2002
Originally posted by: Nocturnal
Isn't it documented somewhere that if you're a homophobie you're usually a closet case?

sory but i think it wwas just wishful thinking. tho i heard ebonyexpierence is looking


Mar 27, 2001
Originally posted by: voodoo33500
I have been this way all my life and im pretty open about it. People ridicule me but i know that if i stand up for myself others will too we dont need to hide anymore. We can live in comunities share interests and friendship. we dont need to live in pain. Why cant people just accept us. We are people too. Something needs to happen about this crualty to us. So i am openly announcing on Anandtch forums that i am a homophobic are you one too?


[x] Me-too-er
[x] Stain

You Are Being Flamed Because:

[x] You posted an "everyone is against me/my race/my religion/my country/my lame idea" message
[x] You continued a long, stupid thread
[x] You suck
[x] You posted something really stupid/depraved

To Repent, You Must:

[x] Give up your AOL account
[x] Bust up your modem with a hammer and eat it
[x] Jump into a bathtub while holding your monitor
[x] Actually post something relevant
[x] Slam your fingers in a desk drawer repeatedly
[x] Verify the effect of gravity by jumping from the nearest bridge

In Closing, I'd Like to Say:

[x] Get a life
[x] I pity your dog
[x] Take your crap somewhere else
[x] Learn to post or sod off
[x] Do us all a favor and crawl into some industrial machinery
[x] See how far your tongue will fit into the electric outlet

Anyway.. I just felt the need to post a form flame. They're funny, at least to me....
Besides.. this post deserved it..


Zim Hosein

Super Moderator | Elite Member
Super Moderator
Nov 27, 1999
voodoo33500, where's the "I'm an idiot" option in your poll?


Diamond Member
Apr 20, 2002
alright before this goes too far i think it should be known that this is only for kidding around resons, i think its funny when people get really bent out of shape about stuff (including me) i post this crap because i think its funny, i dont really care what you think. you just dont get my humor. anything worth saying should have something funny to go a long with it. everything should be made fun of. this forum has so many people getting so pissed off i am just trying to lighten things up around here, and maybe in doing so i make it worse. ugh where is this going i dont know dont care you shouldnt either, anyone posting here seriously trying to fight some one is stupid, people opinions are there opinions alone and no one can change that. thank you for your post i think it was very funny, actually i think its one of the best posts ive seen lately.

Zim Hosein

Super Moderator | Elite Member
Super Moderator
Nov 27, 1999
Originally posted by: voodoo33500
alright before this goes too far i think it should be known that this is only for kidding around resons, i think its funny when people get really bent out of shape about stuff (including me) i post this crap because i think its funny, i dont really care what you think. you just dont get my humor. anything worth saying should have something funny to go a long with it. everything should be made fun of. this forum has so many people getting so pissed off i am just trying to lighten things up around here, and maybe in doing so i make it worse. ugh where is this going i dont know dont care you shouldnt either, anyone posting here seriously trying to fight some one is stupid, people opinions are there opinions alone and no one can change that. thank you for your post i think it was very funny, actually i think its one of the best posts ive seen lately.

So what do you have, a split-personality?


Diamond Member
Apr 20, 2002

[x] Me-too-er
[x] Stain
You Are Being Flamed Because:

[x] You posted an "everyone is against me/my race/my religion/my country/my lame idea" message
ya um i told you people it was more then just that
[x] You continued a long, stupid thread
yep it was fun
[x] You suck
heard that before
[x] You posted something really stupid/depraved

To Repent, You Must:

[x] Give up your AOL account
<hisses at the AOL cd as he burns it>
[x] Bust up your modem with a hammer and eat it
im sory i cant afoord a hammer
[x] Jump into a bathtub while holding your monitor
bath whats a bath
[x] Actually post something relevant
maybe someday
[x] Slam your fingers in a desk drawer repeatedly
why is that supposed to be a bad thing
[x] Verify the effect of gravity by jumping from the nearest bridge
nah i just dropped a pencil seemed lke gravity was working fine, good idea tho

In Closing, I'd Like to Say:

[x] Get a life
where do you get those again
[x] I pity your dog
lets leave her out of it
[x] Take your crap somewhere else
hell no
[x] Learn to post or sod off
o god
[x] Do us all a favor and crawl into some industrial machinery
that was funny
[x] See how far your tongue will fit into the electric outlet
aproxamental 200 for thosand inchs
Anyway.. I just felt the need to post a form flame. They're funny, at least to me....
Besides.. this post deserved it..



Diamond Member
Apr 20, 2002
Originally posted by: Zim Hosein
Originally posted by: voodoo33500
alright before this goes too far i think it should be known that this is only for kidding around resons, i think its funny when people get really bent out of shape about stuff (including me) i post this crap because i think its funny, i dont really care what you think. you just dont get my humor. anything worth saying should have something funny to go a long with it. everything should be made fun of. this forum has so many people getting so pissed off i am just trying to lighten things up around here, and maybe in doing so i make it worse. ugh where is this going i dont know dont care you shouldnt either, anyone posting here seriously trying to fight some one is stupid, people opinions are there opinions alone and no one can change that. thank you for your post i think it was very funny, actually i think its one of the best posts ive seen lately.

So what do you have, a split-personality?

horrible mood swings voices, hell i dont even know where i am


Golden Member
Apr 20, 2002
jeez.....I actually read this thread. It's very annoying to read anything where even simple words are mis-spelled. What grade are you in?