Originally posted by: voodoo33500
I have been this way all my life and im pretty open about it. People ridicule me but i know that if i stand up for myself others will too we dont need to hide anymore. We can live in comunities share interests and friendship. we dont need to live in pain. Why cant people just accept us. We are people too. Something needs to happen about this crualty to us. So i am openly announcing on Anandtch forums that i am a homophobic are you one too?
[x] Me-too-er
[x] Stain
You Are Being Flamed Because:
[x] You posted an "everyone is against me/my race/my religion/my country/my lame idea" message
[x] You continued a long, stupid thread
[x] You suck
[x] You posted something really stupid/depraved
To Repent, You Must:
[x] Give up your AOL account
[x] Bust up your modem with a hammer and eat it
[x] Jump into a bathtub while holding your monitor
[x] Actually post something relevant
[x] Slam your fingers in a desk drawer repeatedly
[x] Verify the effect of gravity by jumping from the nearest bridge
In Closing, I'd Like to Say:
[x] Get a life
[x] I pity your dog
[x] Take your crap somewhere else
[x] Learn to post or sod off
[x] Do us all a favor and crawl into some industrial machinery
[x] See how far your tongue will fit into the electric outlet
Anyway.. I just felt the need to post a form flame. They're funny, at least to me....
Besides.. this post deserved it..