Originally posted by: JulesMaximus
Most polls are biased and designed to get you to answer the way the person or group who designed the poll wants the numbers to lean. So, polls suck in my opinion and you should always consider the source before reading the information contained.
BTW-I voted 42 on your poll for no particular reason at all.
Originally posted by: TheChort
Did you know that 67% of all statistics are made up on the spot?
...and that 39% of pet owners have more pics of 'Spot' than of their significant other?Originally posted by: Fudssa
Originally posted by: TheChort
Did you know that 67% of all statistics are made up on the spot?
...and that 72% of those spots can be removed with some type of <a class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0882668110/104-3908260-8761507?v=glance" target=blank>spot remover</A>?
Originally posted by: Ronstang
I don't take most of the crap on this board serious as it is a perfect random sample of the collective stupidity running rampant in the world today.