christian music is dope, i used to listen to it alot way back then. Praise music is awesome though, all the vineyard stuff, and delirious.
funny as it was, i used to listen to all the contempory christian music such as PFR,newsboys, as well as some christian rap like gospel gangsters and a-1 swift back in the day.
And it seems theres alot of underground christian bands, who are actually making punk ska rock, not sure about goth. also i think P.O.D (payable on death) is christian, not sure bout creed.
hehe, as for the reggae comment, theres actually a group called Christafari. who believe in similar things as the Rastafarians, except one of they main thing is that they don't believe in Emperor haile selassie. i think there are other christian reggae groups, as ironic as that might sound. i would wonder what true rastas would think about these type of people/and there music who follow the rasta culture/music but do not believe in selassie.