Do you wear corrective lenses at least part of the time? I'm talking about contacts and eyeglasses. I don't need them and I want to see if this is the norm or not.
I used to wear my contacts all of the time (soft, then gas permeable daily wear) and just wear my glasses before going to bed. Now I wear my glasses almost all of the time, but wear contacts (soft extended wear toric) when playing sports or on weekends and other occasions. I moved from gas permeable to soft because gas permeable has a tendency to 'pop out' more than soft do during sporting events. This wasn't an option before because of my astigmatism; toric lenses take care of that.
I too wear both glasses and contacts. It's scary how great a dependency I have on them. I will go nuts if I don't have either of 'em on at any given time when I'm awake.
2-month Toric disposable contacts worn during all waking hours. If I take'em out early, I might put on my glasses to watch Jay or Conan before hitting the sack. I do try to keep my glasses with me at all times, whether it be in the glove compartment while driving, in my backpack while at school, or within easy reach when at home, just in case of an emergency.
Glasses for most stuff, don't need them for reading.
Was planning to get contacts when I got my eyes checked a couple months ago, but ended up with some cool new specs instead.
Wouldn't mind getting laser surgery someday, but I'm drowning in debt at the moment.
I don't need to wear glasses unless I happen to want to see something more than two foot away from me with any clarity. Without my glasses I need to be within about 10 feet of someone to recognise their face if I'm not wearing my glasses. No contacts, they're too much trouble in hayfever season since I would have to take them out every time I put eyedrops in.
I wear my glasses if I am in class and I have to read the board from far away and sometimes at night driving, but that is it. Thankfully it is still a weak perscrition.
The question that this poll raises is: what's wrong with the human eye if 76% of the respondents need to wear corrective lenses all the time? Is there something fundamentally wrong with modern eyes or are we obsessed with perfection (20/20 vision)?
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