Go with the 815e for feature set and reliable overclocking. Do you have any ISA cards? 815e's don't have an ISA slot. I've got four BX boards. Two of the boards(SOYO sy-6ba +100 raid and AOpen AX6BC Pro Gold) have P3 700e@933's in them. One running at 970 which means the agp bus is at 89 and 92 respectively. Luckily both my voodoo cards (V3/V5) are handling these voltages. The 815e can run a 1/2 multplier on agp bus vice the bx's 2/3 or 1/1 bringing the agp bus voltage back into spec. Of note, an overclocked BX will probably out perform an 815e or a via chipset. I believe both Anandtech and Sharkey have run comparisons and the BX comes out on top, but the BX technically can't do 133 mhz. Yea right! The 815's the way to go. I guess I'll get rid of one of these bx's in the near future.