Poll - Are you proficient with a knife?
Strippers make everything better :awe:
It's funny that half the people in the thread interpreted this as getting into a knife fight, while the other half interpreted this as being linked to your cooking ability.
I can use a knife for cooking purposes pretty well, but have never been in a knife fight in my life.
Would you know what to do with one when push come to shove? Are you going to cut yourself or you think you will Rambo it up?
Edit: damn it can't do poll on a phone. Write it in.
My answer is roughly like exdeath's. In no way would I want to go up against a professional knife fighter, but I could possibly hold my own with somebody who doesn't know how to fight.
Would you know what to do with one when push come to shove? Are you going to cut yourself or you think you will Rambo it up?
Edit: damn it can't do poll on a phone. Write it in.